
Who doesn’t love Autumn color?  This is the time of year where trees, shrubs, and perennials take the main stage in the landscape.  In this post I share small space new Autumn garden planting ideas.  I recently tore out an old overgrown garden and added winning varieties you are going to love.

Sunrise In Small Space Autumn Garden

Beautiful morning in the garden just outside the mudroom door.  I share my new autumn Garden shrubs and plants.  I hope you will consider subscribing to my YouTube Channel.

Small Space Autumn Garden Planting List

Below are some of the fantastic plants I added to my landscape outside the south-facing side of the mudroom. In 2017 the new shrubs were added and a recap to see how these plants are performing a few years later.  If you have questions or concerns please reach out to me on my website.

Little Devil


The first plant new to this garden space is the ‘Little Devil’ (Physucarpus Apulifolium ‘Donna May’ ) shrub.  The color is perfect and the size is just right for the walkway garden landscape. This variety grows 3-4′ H x 3-4′ W.  Easy to prune back almost any time of the year.

Little Princess Spirea

Spirea has been a long-time favorite in my gardening career.  It is easy to take care of, provides great color and the pollinators love the blooms. #win  This is the ‘Little Princess Spirea’ (Spiraea Japonica ) that grows 18″x 24″ and loves full sun.

PJM Rhododendron

The Bloom in Late Autumn

The PJM Rhododendron blooms in early spring and again in Autumn.

This shrub had no tag so research was in order to find a name. The PJM rhododendron performs superb in my garden tucked in the corner facing south near the mudroom.  It is an exciting shrub to watch year-round in this space.  There is another rhododendron in the front bed facing the meadow outside the sunroom to the East. I really hope that shrub performs as nicely as the original.  I’ll keep you posted in the seasons to come.

More Autumn  Garden Ideas on My Website 

Let’s Connect

In conclusion of reading this post, I hope you consider subscribing to my newsletter.  Your feedback means the world to me.  Share with me what shrubs you enjoy seeing during the Autumn season.

Happy Gardening,

2 responses to “Small Space New Autumn Garden Planting Ideas”

  1. Great ideas and suggestions for new morning garden spot. Enjoy it

    • Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting on my post Heather. What a great treat to have you come visit. I can’t wait to continue sharing how these shrubs will fill in over the next year so stay tune.

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Bren Haas
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