Pink Hydrangea _ Let's Dance® Big Easy®

One of my favorite things about summer is the blooms of the hydrangeas.  I have many different varieties in my landscape and today I am going to share with you a few varieties I recommend and answer a GardenChat question about spots.

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Listen to the presentation on your favorite podcast player. You can find me on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and more.  Complete details and other podcast topics on my website podcast page.

HELP – Spots on my Hydrangeas

This video can be found on my Channel at Bren Haas YouTube.

In the video above  I mention a GardenChat member and his spotting on a hydrangea shrub.  To help answer the question I do a quick walkabout my garden sharing all the different growing conditions my plants endure.  The leaf Bill shared with me in the photo may have something called Cercospora Leaf Spot.  Water in a manner that keeps moisture off the leaves and is sure to add a disease-resistant hydrangea shrub to prevent having to use a fungicide to protect plants.

MORE Hydrangeas Summer Shares

Below I share we take a quick walk out my sunroom patio to see what is growing in containers and the landscape.  During this quick video, we will see container ideas along with hydrangeas I personally recommend.


View this video on YouTube at Hydrangea and Containers | Bren Haas Channel

A Few Of My Favorite Hydrangeas

First of all, I want you to know it was very hard to pick just a few images to share with you today.  I am a huge fan of just about any hydrangea I come in contact with. Below are a few of my favorite hydrangea that I grow in my home garden.  Easy to take care of and fun to grow is why I love these!

Thank you for stopping by my website today!  

More Hydrangeas

Below are a few post I’ve shared about my personal experience growing Hydrangeas.  I hope you click over and check them out.  You can also save the URL on your Pinterest for later viewing or to share with friends.


Let’s Connect

I would love to hear from you so be sure to comment on this blog post and tell me what you think.  Introduce yourself on my contact page featured on this site.  I’d love to have you on my GardenChat group to hear about your garden and learn from each other.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas


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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
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