This weeks feature includes a Spring Vlog originally from Instagram TV. Check out the new ‘Spot On’ Pulmonaria and a few other landscape ideas including Hydrangea. Be prepared… There maybe a puppy and kitty sighting as well!
Spring Vlog with ‘Spot On’ Pulmonaria Planting
It is super easy to just click over to Instagram and do a live stream these days. I am fairly new to the Instagram TV options so bare with me as I learn this season. I will do my best to add each video to my site. If you are on Instagram I invite you to follow me @brenhaas so you don’t miss my shares. I will for sure add the replay to YouTube on Bren Haas Channel.
Thanks for checking out this vlog. I would love to hear what you think about the new planting. It really is going to POP in a few weeks once those Allium, Spot on and even the Hydrangeas start to show colors. Be sure to check out my other videos featured on Bren Haas Channel.
Spring Vlog Highlights
below I share a few up close photos of the plants discussed in the video. Each plant I mention in the video is listed below except the rose which I will feature later in the season.
- Pulmonaria ‘Spot On’ Perennial
- Invincibelle mini Mauvette Hydrangea
- Low Scape Mound Aronia Shrub
- Allium Perennial
Click on the link above featuring the Invincibelle Mini Mauvette to get yours on Amazon with my affiliate link. Be sure to follow my growing advice featuring this plant on my website. There are some strange reviews on Amazon that do not make sense at all. This plant is one of the easiest to grow and expect nothing but the best from Proven Winners Shop.
More Landscape Ideas
In the links below I share additional landscape ideas. Be sure to click on each to see the details including vlogs and images.

Super Blue Lavender and Firewitch Dianthus
Introducing Two of My Favorite Perennials for Home Gardens: Pictures and Videos Inside! After two years and eight seasons of documentation, I’m thrilled to finally share some stunning images and video of two of my favorite perennials. These plants have earned a top spot on my list for home garden landscapes not only for their vibrant colors but also for their ease of growth.

Blooming Now In My Home Garden
In this post I am sharing a short video featuring what caught my eye today in my home garden. What is Blooming Now in my home garden for April 26,2023. See images, plant details and video below.

Jane Magnolia in My Home Garden
In this post you will find my Jane Magnolia growing in my Ohio Home Garden. Check out the images and video features here with my personal view of the shrub. You will love the Ask & Share video submit on my website below.

How to Grow and Care for Fall Mums
In this post I share some of my personal tips on how to grow and care for Fall mums. You will see my latest video
Thank you for stopping by my website today!
Let’s Connect
Are you interested in adding some new plants to your landscape for year-round interest? I hope to share more of the plants I am adding to the gardens this season so stay tuned. Let me know what you think and connect on my website.
Happy Spring Planting,