Bren Haas Website

Make Your Own Dried Hydrangea Arrangement

In this post, I share a quick video featuring tips on how to make your own dried hydrangea arrangement.  Be sure to scroll down to check out the video and ask questions section on this post.

Make Your Own Dried Hydrangea Arrangement

Hydrangeas in Arrangment

This is a quick video featuring how easy it is to create your own hydrangea arrangement so you can enjoy your blooms year-round. It is super relaxing to pick the hydrangea blooms and arrange them in my favorite basket or a container.  I have a few of these displays going in my homee to enjoy basically forever.  I’ll share tips below the video so be sure to check it out.

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This video and other creative ideas at Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  Be sure to connect with me to see more video fun.

Images From Dried Hydrangea Arrangement

Some of my favorite images are featured below. Let me know if you have any questions about how to do this.  These pictures feature my Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea Blooms in early October.


dried hydrangea blooms

Pick out your favorite blooms to bring indoors to enjoy year-round.

vanilla strawberry blooms

Don’t be afraid to remove all of the leaves on the stem.  If you want green you can always add some silk flowers.  The leaves turn dry and can crumble off.  You don’t want your pets to get a hold of any hydrangea cuttings because it is bad for their digestive system.

Here are a few other post about Hydrangeas I think you will enjoy!

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Last of Tulips and Periwinkle

Blooming Now In My Home Garden

In this post I am sharing a short video featuring what caught my eye today in my home garden.  What is Blooming Now in my home garden for April 26,2023. See images, plant details and video below.

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Let’s Connect

In conclusion of checking out this DIY featuring the Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea I hope you will connect with me. YOu can reach me on my website or my contact page. Be sure to share this post on social media to show your support. Feel free to tag @brenhaas on your favorite networks like Twitter, Facebook, and of course Instagram.
Happy Hydrangea Arranging,

Bren Haas

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