In this post I share a video and my personal thoughts on what the Magnolia tree will do after a freezing April Night. Check out the video, images and personal recommendations in my blog today.
Magnolia Freeze Night in April
It is a good year for the magnolia even with orange flowers. The orange basically is what color this 40 year old trees flowers turn after a freezing night. Sometimes we get lucky and make it a full month without the flowers being damaged. In this post I share what the blooms look like on the magnolia after 1 night in the mid 20’s. To be honest with you… it has been a beautiful season for this tree.
This video can be found on my Bren Haas Channel features on YouTube. I hope you take the time to comment below and let me know what you think of this content.
Magnolia Freeze Night in April Images
Below you will find the perennials highlight on the video including the Magnolia. You know how I am with names of plants. There is a post featuring some of the magnolia trees that are on the market today on my website. I’ve been super happy with the new ‘Jane’ variety my husband and I have in the front landscape.
- ‘Spot On’ Pulmonaria
- Doubling Tulips
- Primrose
- Hellebores
- Magnolia ‘Jane’ Tree
- Japanese Maple
Spring Color On My Website
If you enjoy color in your spring landscape like the Magnolia provides you may want to check out these post on my website:
Hellebore Snowbells Blooming In Early Winter
The video feature on this page highlights the long lasting bloom of the hellebore Snowbell. Find images and growing tips and tricks on this post.
Hellebore in My Early Spring Garden
This post is to showcase the beautiful Hellebore ( “Christmas rose” and “Lenten rose”) plants that grow in my shade garden. In this post you’ll
Red Lady Hellebore
One of the Lenten Rose plants added to my home garden was the Red Lady Hellebore. In this post I share images and basic growing tips.
Kodiak Orange Diervilla During Spring Season
In this post I share a short video and images of the Kodiak Orange Diervilla. You will find photos of the colorful shrub in spring
Thank you for stopping by my website today!
Let’s Connect
After reading about the magnolia after a freeze would you consider growing one? It is important to note that the shrub may do better in a warmer zone like 6-7 . I would love to hear what you think so please comment on my website today. Don’t forget to subscribe so you don’t miss anything new about what’s growing on.
Happy Spring Gardening,
2 responses to “Magnolia After A Deep Freeze Night in April”
Hey There Brenda! I put together a blog post with video featuring my ANSWER to your Question about the Jane Magnolia. This is my 4th year with the shrub tree and I LOVE IT! It usually blooms about a week later then the older variety of magnolia I have but this year they are blooming together. We are expected to get a morning in the low 30*s so we will see how mine fairs. Be sure to check out my video and blog post featuring my Jane Magnolia:
My Jane Magnolia tree didn’t survive the heavy freeze in Oklahoma this year. It had buds when the freeze hit but now when it should be in full bloom it looks like a dead tree and the branches snap easily. This is a 20 year old tree and is so beautiful. Is there anything I can try to save it? I would appreciate any help you can give me.