Bren Haas Website

Protect New Spring Edibles From Freeze

In this post you will find a video and images sharing how to protect new spring edibles from freeze.  This content is featuring my window boxes filled with spring greens.

Protect New Spring Edibles From Freeze Video

It isn’t abnormal to get a freeze before May 15 which happens to be the last freeze date.  My garden is located in hardiness zone 5b.  My husband and I have been watching the weather forecast for the past few weeks because of the fruit trees in the orchard we grow.  The low 20*F night coming up in the next 48 hours is making me nervous.  The best thing to do in this situation is to BREATH and focus on the next 8 hours.  Luckily we are getting sleet and then snow before the freeze arrives.

Below is a video of what I do to help protect the spring edibles from freeze.  Keep in mind, the window boxes feature in this content is loaded with spring loving greens and a few new starter plants like marigolds and delicate red sail lettuce. This is part of my grow your own food series featuring window boxes. 

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I share more videos on my Bren Haas Channel which you can find links to on my website.  Let me know if you are having issues viewing the video by commenting on my site..

Did My Protect New Spring Edibles From The Freeze Work?

Protect New Spring Edibles From The Freeze Video Part 2

This is really exciting to be able to bring you part 2 of this project.  Wait until you see how the plants responded to the cold and what I did to protect them.  Check out the follow up video below:

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Once again, if you have issues viewing the video content please reach out to me on my website.  I can’t wait to share with you how easy this really is to grow greens that are healthy for you year-round.

This project has been a HUGE success and I am excited to be able to share it with you.  Show your support by commenting on my website and share with your friends!

More Growing Edibles On My Website

I’ve been sharing the window boxes with cold hardy greens for the past 6 months.  Below are the post featuring this experiment and how you can grow greens in your home garden.  Growing edibles really is easy and amazing if you provide the right seeds with the best conditions.

Tulips and Daffodils Cut Before Freeze
More About the Tulips I Saved From The Freeze

Thank you for stopping by my website today! 

Let’s Connect

This has been such an exciting experiment growing edibles in my window box pretty much year-round.  WHO SAYS growing lettuce is complicated?!  If you have questions or want to contribute to this post just reach out on my website.  Comments are welcome below. 

Happy Spring Edible Gardening,

Bren Haas

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