In this post share featuring the magnolia trees that grow in my home garden. You will find photos and my personal thoughts on these trees and the magnificent blooms. Explore how the new and the old varieties welcome Spring in the landscape.
The Magnolia Tree
This video is part of my Bren Haas Channel.
About the Magnolia Tree
When driving through any midwestern town it is hard to miss the magnificent blooms of Magnolia trees in Spring. I’ve had many message me inquiring about what those big PINK flowers are along with homes in town. There are many different varieties of Magnolia trees. We are growing both a new and old variety. The Magnolia trees are not native to the midwest.
Magnolia Soulangiana Saucer Magnolia
Above are images from the older magnolia on a good year. So far so good but we have a night coming up in the 20*F’s so not sure they will make it.
The original magnolia tree growing in the front landscape fits the description of a Magnolia x soulangiana or saucer magnolia. This variety was planted by the original owners of our home in the 1970s. This tree gambles every spring. We have good years and bad. What I mean by this is if we should get a frost or any temperature below 35*F when the buds are becoming pink flowers the flower gets orange spots. This is why we added a later blooming Magnolia tree to our garden in 2019.
The Jane Magnolia
My husband and I found the Jane Magnolia at Costco. You can tell by the tag that it was grown locally in Ohio which I think is really cool.
This is the newest addition to my landscape in our home garden. The Jane Magnolia blooms later in the spring season so it is less likely to be effected by frost. This variety also appears to have a longer bloom time. Find the latest on this Magnolia Here!
I can’t wait to share more of this variety so be sure to subscribe to my page for updates.
Worthy of a Magnolia Shout Out
There are a few sites that share interesting facts about the Magnolia trees. Below are a few I found while researching my trees.
- USDA Date Base Magnolia
- International Magnolia Society Be sure to check out the International Magnolia Society. I found some useful information on their site and was able to connect with some others who adore this tree. If you want a paper copy of their publication you have to become a member for a fee. They do have a free Facebook page where I was able to connect with a few folks in the community. The website with details at International Magnolia Society.
- Google your State Extension office and the word Magnolia to find research and information you can trust.
- The Magnolia Society has a wonderful database with amazing varieties that do well in Ohio.
Let’s Connect
I am excited to share more of my garden including this Magnolia tree with you in the days to come so please be sure to follow me on social media @brenhaas and connect with me on my website.
Happy Spring Gardening,
3 responses to “Magnolia Trees in My Ohio Garden”
I found your blog while searching for information on Magnolia trees and I’m so glad I did. I garden in Ohio as well, in a small town about 30 minutes North of Columbus. We had a beautiful Magnolia tree near the front door of our old house (Cols) that the previous owner had planted and I loved it. Everyone that came to our house commented on the beautiful flowers and the amazing scent. It bloomed every Spring with big, ivory flowers. I would love to plant the same kind in the front yard of our home now but I’m not sure of the exact tree. I have a Jane Magnolia in the backyard I planted when we first moved in but it stays on the smaller size. Our front yard faces North East which is the same direction of the last home so I believe it would work well receiving sun mostly in the morning and then some shade in the afternoon heat. If you have any ideas or suggestions on which type of Magnolia would work I’d appreciate any feedback. I’m looking forward to reading some of your past blogs. Thanks!
Thank you Lisa… and thank you so much for commenting. My writing/grammar needs so work but I sure love making the videos and photos!
Great blog thank you!