Jane Magnolia in Full Bloom

In this post you will find my Jane Magnolia growing in my Ohio Home Garden.  Check out the images and video features here with my personal view of the shrub.  You will love the Ask & Share video submit on my website below.

Jane Magnolia in My Home Garden

Recently, a fellow gardener submitted a question about the Jane Magnolia.  I share the answer to that question in an Ask & Share video below.

The video is part of my Bren Haas Channel on Youtube.  You can find more content like this on my website under the video section of my website.

More About the Jane Magnolia

jane magnolia Bloom

Obviously, I love growing many different varieties of plants, trees and shrubs to take images.  You will find many varieties of plants we grow in our home garden that I photograph for fun.  The Jane Magnolia is a must for gardens that experience random temperature changes in the spring.  This magnolia can take the cool and warm temperatures in fact, the blooms hold strong.  Jane Magnolia is for 4 – 8 hardiness zones according to the grower tag that came with my plant.

Obviously, I love growing many different varieties of plants, trees and shrubs to take images.  You will find many varieties of plants we grow in our home garden that I photograph for fun.  The Jane Magnolia is a must for gardens that experience random temperature changes in the spring.  This magnolia can take the cool and warm temperatures in fact, the blooms hold strong.  Jane Magnolia is for 4 – 8 hardiness zones according to the grower tag that came with my plant.

No Sun Bloom on Jane Magnolia
After 80* F day and now in the 30*s.

In spite of most new plants in the landscape needing extra water, this variety did well and I never had to water extra.   This shrub grows in mostly sun location year-round and does get a nice dose of fertilizer thanks to neighboring field with livestock.  Nevertheless, I do mulch the shrub in early summer to maintain a good moist (but not wet) soil.  That is is!  EASY!!!

My husband and I found this variety at a Farm and Family Store locally in April 2019.  That same year we experienced early warm up followed by a night below freezing.  The older variety of magnolia in the garden dropped all its blooms and buds while the Jane Magnolia did amazing well.  The older magnolia was set back a few weeks before it produced green foliage while the Jane Magnolia was not effected because it blooms a few weeks after the older variety.

This past week I spotted the Jane Magnolia at Walmart Garden Center and Lowes for a reasonable price.  You can also order this shrub online at various growers websites like those on Amazon. 

Find more information about this and other magnolia shrubs and trees we grow on my website here. 

Let’s Connect

In conclusion of checking out my unique content from my personal experience growing a Jane Magnolia I would love to hear from you.  Please consider taking the time to post a comment or question on my website below.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
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