
sunflower volunteer artIn this post, I want to share with you some of the beautiful happy volunteers that have come up in my garden over the years.  One of the biggest surprises has been sunflower volunteers.

In My Garden The Sunflower Volunteer

In the video below I share just how beautiful this sunflower really is.  The plant stands over 12 feet tall with branches filled with new sunflowers.  I hope you will consider following me on YouTube @brenhaas.

Thank you for checking out my video. I do live streams on various social media outlets so be sure to connect with me to see presentations from home and garden live! This video can be found on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.

Sunflower Volunteers

Oliver and the 2019 Volunteer

What could be better than a plant that takes care of itself and brings happiness? NOTHING –  That is why I’m excited to share a few of my favorite sunflower volunteers that are popping up in my garden this year.  These sunflowers that have been added to my garden by the visiting birds are just another reason why we need to grow more seeds just for the birds to enjoy.

Sunflower Surprise in Fountain garden

I love this mammoth sunflower growing in between pavement and rocks – another gift from my bird friends perhaps.

Gardening with Volunteers

In my vegetable garden each year I grow many rows of different sunflowers. In the photo above is the sunflower that came up volunteer in 2018.  I cut many of them for boutiques but many I leave behind for the birds to enjoy.  The volunteers are almost a thank you card from wildlife.  I hope this post encourages you to grow more sunflowers so the birds will happily plant a few surprises for you!

Volunteer from 2020

I love the different varieties of volunteer sunflowers that were arriving back in the raised bed garden that I saved seeds to plant next year.  The seeds germinated and have been a little different each year.  I am not sure why but it has been a fun experience.

Don’t Miss These Post From The Garden

Let’s Connect

I would love to hear from you so please share below what happy volunteers (sunflowers) you’ve had in your garden.  Maybe you have other unexpected plants that show up making you happy – be sure comment.  I can’t wait to see what will appear next year in my garden so be sure to subscribe to my mailing list to find out more.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

4 responses to “Sunflower Volunteers in my Home Garden”

  1. Hey Jaime – thanks for stopping by and sharing your sunflower story with me. I love the volunteers in the garden like the flowers that can come up from bird seed mix. Saving (and growing your own own) sunflowers isn’t complicated at all and in some cases they can grow like weeds.

    Check out my post featuring this years surprise sunflower. It was huge and had lots of flowers all summer long: https://brenhaas.com/sunflower-tree-in-my-home-garden/

    Save the seeds in a cool dry location because over the autumn and winter hungry critters like mice and birds can eat the seeds that would produce plants next year. I share how to save sunflower, zinnia and a few other heirloom flowers on this blog post: https://brenhaas.com/mexican-sunflower-seed-saving/

    I can’t wait to hear more about your sunflowers so be sure to stop back and share with me on my blog here! Happy Autumn – Bren

  2. So this happened to me this year underneath my bird feeders there’s a bunch of sunflowers growing. Will they come back each year? Is there something I need to do? Any articles I read talk about having the most perfect soil and the most perfect environment for these sunflowers but I did nothing and they’re there behind my trash cans looking pretty.

  3. THanks for stopping by Carole – The volunteer sunflowers have been my favorite this summer!

  4. This is very pretty – I love it when Volunteer sunflowers sprout in the garden. I had some pretty massive ones this year and it was a pleasant surprise.
    Carole @ GardenUp green

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Bren Haas
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