Last of Tulips and Periwinkle
Last of the Large Tulips For 2023

In this post I am sharing a short video featuring what caught my eye today in my home garden.  What is Blooming New in my home garden for April 26,2023.  See images, plant details and video below.

Blooming Now in My Home Garden Video

The temperature today didn’t hit 50*F but I was out in the drizzle taking a few photos to create this video.  I am super excited about the summer season a head after strolling through a few of my gardens.  There is so much new growth arriving early this season.  Be sure to watch the entire slide show style video below.

Thank you for checking out my video that is part of the Bren Haas Video Channel.

Video Notes:

Below are a few of the things you will find in the video feature on my website today.

Blooming Now Highlights

These are a few of the plants feature in the video on this post. First, I want to let you know that I am trying to document each plant that is reviewed on my website.   For example, the hydrangea images are from my Strawberry Vanilla Hydrangea and new bloom again varieties.

Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea in late April
The Vanilla Strawberry That was Moved 2 Years Ago
New Bloom Again Hydrangea in April
New Growth From Root of Shrub

The second photo above features the new hydrangea’s I planted in late summer.  This will include the ‘Lets Dance –  Big Bang’ which I will share later in the year on this blog.

Hosta In Shade

I was trying to get a closer photo of the Hosta under the ‘Black Lace’ shrub when I spotted a volunteer Columbine blooming. 

Last of the Magnolia Blooms
New Growth on Old Magnolia
Jane Magnolia after Frost
Burnt From Frost

The 2 magnolia trees in my garden.  The first one is Jane Magnolia and the second is the older Magnolia.

Last Mini Tulips

Blooming Early in the Garden

Everything seems to be about a week or two ahead of schedule after a week in the high 70*s.  I am just praying we don’t get a hard frost that knocks back all the fruit trees like the white peach in the photo below.

Yellow Peach Tree Blooms in April
Yellow Peach Tree Blooms in April

Summing up the blooming now post today I would like to invite you to check out previous post using this theme.  Let me know below if you are interested in seeing more short video post like this on my site in the days to come.

Quince in Full Bloom
Double Orange Quince Blooming Shrub

Blooming Now Links

If you enjoy seeing plants that are blooming in my home garden in this type of a post you won’t want to miss these:https://brenhaas.com/tag/blooming-now/


Note:  I had fun taking these photos and some video with my Canon Rebel T6 for this post! 

Let’s Connect

In conclusion of watching the video and checking out my favorite pictures from today please comment on this post.  I look forward to hearing about what you have blooming in your home garden.  Lastly, maybe I have inspired you to get out and grow something new so be sure to ask questions about what you see on my website.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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