Bren Haas Website

Tag: home gardening

Growing Sage in Home Garden

Salvia officinalis, commonly known as culinary sage, garden sage, or common garden sage, is an aromatic, woody perennial shrub. It thrives in hardiness zones 4-10. In this video, I’m excited to show you how my sage looks at this time of year, both in the raised bed and integrated into the landscape.

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Dome Winter Months

Heating The Dome Greenhouse

Over the years one of the most commonly asked question is ‘Do you heat the dome?’.  Besides loading the structure with as much mass that will help collect passive heat I do have a backup source.  In this VLOG I share a quick review of what is being used in this  20′ Geodesic Bio Dome.

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sunflower tree image

Sunflower Tree In My Home Garden

One of the many highlights of growing your own garden are sunflowers.  In this post I share a video and a few growing tips featuring the ginormous sunflower tree growing in my garden.  This is not the first year I have had this amazing plant take off in my gardens.

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zephrine drouhin rose year 4

Zephrine Drouhin Climbing Rose Year 4

Even though it has been a very dry spring the roses in my home garden are putting on a show. One of my favorite climbing roses is this Zephrine Drougin Rose that appears to be taking on a life of its own.   In this post I share a video and images of how this beautiful bloomer is doing year 4. 

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Last of Tulips and Periwinkle

Blooming Now In My Home Garden

In this post I am sharing a short video featuring what caught my eye today in my home garden.  What is Blooming Now in my home garden for April 26,2023. See images, plant details and video below.

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