frostkiss hellebore bloom

In this post I share some fun facts about the FrostKiss Anna’s Red Hellebore (Lenten Rose) in my Garden.  You will see a video, images and documentation from my shade garden.

FrostKiss Anna’s Red Lenten Rose in My Home Shade Garden

The video below is after a long Spring in Ohio.  The blooms were so what late to open mostly because of the random range of temperatures they were exposed to.  Overall, they kept a show on all Spring from snow to summer weather in spring to more snow.  Be sure to watch the video below and tell me what you think of the flower shape.

This video is on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.   Be sure to subscribe for the latest videos.

About The FrostKiss Anna’s Red Hellebore

Lowes in Findlay Ohio
Garden Center Where I found the Hellebore On Sale

I found these two plants locally marked down late in the season.  The Hellebore are sometimes on the higher price range in my area so I do not own many.  After growing the Hellebores I am anxious to invest in new varieties because if you plant them in the right conditions they do amazing and are worth owning.

In my Trunk - hard to believe they were marked down!

FrostKiss Anna’s Red Hellebore Image

I grow many of my Lenten Roses or Hellebores to take images of them.  Below are a few of my favorite images from this year.

late march frostkiss hellebore

The FrostKiss Anna’s Red Hellebore in early March 2020 peaking up out of the moist soil under the shade tree.  At first glance you may think it is a peony plant.  I am guessing the leaves died back during the dry Autumn.

The frostKiss Anna’s Red Hellebore in early March 2020 peaking up out of the moist soil under the shade tree.  At first glance you may think it is a peony plant.  I am guessing the leaves died back during the dry Autumn.

The buds take their time blooming in my Ohio zone 5b garden.

The photos above are the hellebore after a few days with above normal temperatures.  The random and drastic temperature changes do not seem to bother the blooms.

Mid-May Foliage

May Hellebore

I had to take a new video to show off what the leaves are looking like after 2 months of typical Ohio spring weather.

See Video At Top of Post 

Companion Planting Ideas

Some of the plants I have my hellebores planted with are Hostas, Coral Bells, Columbine, Brunnera, and Bleeding Hearts.  If you click on each link you will see details on each plant idea.

Thanks for checking out my website today! 


Let’s Connect

I am excited to share with you as this plant grows in my garden.  In conclusion of checking this content out I hope you will comment below and tell me what you think.  Be sure to leave detailed messages on my contact page or About section.  I really hope I have inspired you to grow a Lenten Rose in your home garden.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

2 responses to “FrostKiss Anna’s Red Hellebore”

  1. Thank you for stopping by my website. I have ‘GardenChat’s on my website along with Facebook group. I share more about it on at GardenChat featured on this site.

  2. Hello. I was looking up a Jack Frost Brunnera and stumbled on a video you posted. Did you say your group is called “Garden Chats’?

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Bren Haas
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