Spring Planting Demo

In this post I share everything you need to make your own succulent soil and planting.  Find the complete video along with images on this post.

Spring Succulent Planting How-To

One of my favorite things to do most of the late winter season in my dome is create new succulent containers.  Using new growth from my unique succulent plants I put together creative little containers for family and friends.  Despite if being winter in Ohio, the dome greenhouse allows me to continue planting as if it were summer.  Nonetheless you can do this indoors with proper conditions even though it is winter outside.   Below is my video with the soil, plants and even the containers that work best for me.

This video is from my Bren Haas Channel.

Succulent Planting How-To Highlights

Below are some detail photos featuring the succulent soil and planting demo.  Since the proper soil is important I am sharing the recipe I use to create my container designs.  The ingredients I use can be found locally in case you were not sure.

Planting Complete with a Few Stones

Soil Recipe

It isn’t uncommon to find sand stone in my mix due to the fact that plants LOVE IT!  Even if you add just a few sandy pieces from a beach near by this will make a huge difference.

sand stone
sand stone found locally

Ideal Container

The most important thing to remember about the container is holes so that the soil can drain properly.

New Plants by Propagation

Over the years it has been so much fun giving plants to family and friends.  Using the pieces that fall from the succulents or cuttings can make your collection grow HUGE!

new plant from leaf of succulent
New Plant From Leaf

More About Succulent Plantings

As an illustration of how well my collection is doing you can find more post on these links.  All the content below is my personal experience in the hope that you will try to grow some of your own.

Make Your Own Succulent Container | Pinterest
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Let’s Connect

In conclusion to checking out my blog post on my website today please consider subscribing to my network.  Due to the Spring growing season fastly approaching it might be hard for me to share on social media as much as I would like.  You can always find what I have growing on FIRST on my website!

Happy Succulent Soil and Planting,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
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