Growing Stevia in My Home Garden VLOG
This post is for those interested in cultivating something distinctive and beneficial to health. The accompanying video provides guidance on cultivating a heirloom Stevia seed
This post is for those interested in cultivating something distinctive and beneficial to health. The accompanying video provides guidance on cultivating a heirloom Stevia seed
It’s a bustling time of the year, courtesy of the wonderful weather we’ve been experiencing in Ohio. This blog post features a personal vlog and several photos showcasing the happenings inside the dome. Check out the April Geodesic Bio Dome Update here and don’t forget to scroll down for additional content.
One of my favorite things about the geodesic bio dome is it allows me to get out and do some fun gardening during the late winter months. The sun is getting higher in the sky here in Ohio so that means I am out pruning tea tree and refreshing the hanging baskets.
The buds are plenty and ready to open any day. Come check out what is going on today in the dome here in my Ohio
In this post I share a quick video to how I winter over lantana plants in Ohio. You will find images and video on this post. Be sure to scroll down to leave comments and questions.
In this post check out the first dahlia blooming for 2023 growing season. It happens to be a ‘creme de cognac’ blooming in the dome greenhouse. video and images here!
Since the geranium is one of the most forgiving plants one can grow in a garden you will find a few varieties in my Dome Greenhouse. In this post I share growing geranium plants in the dome greenhouse vlog and a few images.
In this post I share everything you need to make your own succulent soil and planting. Find the complete video along with images on this post.
Today we take a walk out to the dome greenhouse with my ‘crew’. This video is part of my new vlog series ‘Creative Living and Growing’ with Bren Haas.
In this post is where you will find images and a unique video featuring the Dome Greenhouse all lite up for the New Year. Happy 2023 Friends – lets get growing!
Not only is this a compact houseplant it is perfect for most any home. The curly spider plant or Chlorophytum Bonnie is by far one of my favorite plants to enjoy year-round. Check out fun growing tips and more from my personal experience.
In this post I share everything I have learned growing a Madagascar Palm in my home greenhouse. I wouldn’t mind having a few in my