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Life Changing Herbs You Can Grow In Your Home & Garden

harvesting parsley grown indoors

Over the years I’ve become to love more herbs in my home landscape.  Most of the plants I had no idea were even herbs.  Dandelions and Nasturtium are herbs?  It’s True!  In this post, I will share with you life-changing herbs you can grow.

Life-Changing Herbs You Can Grow

Some of the herbs I am going to share with you today are lesser-known but provide benefits as the summer ends.  Each of the herbs listed are super easy to grow in your own back yard.  You may even have them on your property and not even realize it.  Below are the herbs I’ve grown for years along with tips on how they will change your life.

  • Nasturtium 
  • Aster
  • Coneflower (Echinacea)
  • Parsley
  • Fennel
  • Catnip


dwarf catnip in landscape
Catnip for kitties growing in the Butterfly Garden

a Few Fun Facts and Growing Tips About Each Life-Changing Herb

Here are a few highlights from each of the life-changing herbs I recommend for you to try in your home garden.  These are all super easy to grow from seed as i have done for years in my garden.  You can start all of these indoors early in the spring and bring the plant outdoors to enjoy until late frost.  A few of these herbs can be grown in containers as I will highlight below.

parsley cut year-round

Parsley:  may improve blood sugar and support heart, kidney, and bone health. This fresh herb that is super easy to grow also taste amazing in most dishes.

upclose aster

Aster: has an affinity for both the upper and lower respiratory system. It is said to be decongesting, antispasmodic, and relaxing to the lungs, and it is particularly useful for seasonal allergies and colds as well as for cases of acute and chronic asthma.

fennel is a sweet herb used in cooking

Fennel is a rich source of dietary fibers, vitamins C, B9, and B6, and minerals such as potassium, manganese, and phosphorus. Fennel is also super easy to grow lasting after a hard frost.


What I love most about Nasturtiumm besides it being super easy to direct sow it is they support gardeners health.  A few ways to use this herb are:

  • Infuse the leaves in water (removing the leaves) to use on minor cuts to soothe.
  • The plant is packed with vitamin C and can help a sore throat.


coneflowers in the garden

Coneflowers Echinacea has been shown to improve immunity, blood sugar, anxiety, inflammation, and skin health. It may even have anti-cancer properties.

More Herbs To Grow

Be sure to stop over to these additional post I have created sharing different herbs I personally grow.  You will enjoy seeing videos and unique growing tips features.

Life Changing Herbs You Can Grow

Let’s Connect

Do you grow herbs for health reasons or just because they are pretty in your home garden? Maybe you are like me and you had no idea some of the plants you grow are actually herbs.  I’d love to hear from you so please connect by commenting on my website.

Happy Herb Growing,


4 Responses

  1. I’ve grown both the echinacea and nasturtium. Mostly for the ornamental qualities. I have used the petals to dress up some salads and to make vinegar. Red nasturtium makes a pretty pink vinegar. I used to take echinacea during the cold and flu season but got away from it. Thanks for the reminder.

    1. oohhhh…. a pink vinegarette. I need to try that this summer. Thank you for sharing that with me.

  2. I love nasturtium and it’s so easy to grow from seed! I should eat some 🙂

    1. I can’t believe you didn’t know you could eat it! Thanks for commenting Brandon.

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