In today’s post I am sharing an easy to create refrigerator pickle recipe. This is a must to have in the refrigerator from spring harvest to late autumn. Take advantage of the print option on the recipe card in this post.
Grandma’s Refrigerator Pickle Recipe
As long as you remember to use FRESH ingredients for this recipe you can’t go wrong. Throw in a few hot peppers to make it unique and you will be all set for a weekday snack. I’d love to hear any of your extras you enjoy putting in your refrigerator pickle recipes. Be sure to use the print option located on this recipe share.
Printable Recipe Here!
What do you think? Will you be creating this for your next summer get together? I have to admit to you I am blogging this recipe because when it comes time to harvest cucumbers each year I am so busy I forget the recipe. It is so much easier to just plug this into my website at any time of the year. Share with your friends if you like my post.
Let’s Connect
This is an oldie but goodie recipe. I hope you will comment on this blog and share with me an oldie but goodie recipe you enjoy. Are you on Facebook? Find me over on GardenChat sharing about this recipe and more. Don’t forget to connect with me more on my website on my contact page.
Happy Pickle Eating,
4 responses to “Easy to Create Grandmas Refrigerator Pickle Recipe”
I use to always grow the ‘burpless’ cucumbers. You can still find those seeds to grow in your home garden if you are interested. From my past experience they were really use to grow and I use to get a huge harvest around the 4th of July.
Thank you again for sharing your story with me Heidi!
Thank you for sharing. My grandma was born in 1913 to a German mother and a English father. Her mother passed away when she was 5 years old and true only thing she ever had from her mother were old recipes written in German. She figured out how to translate them and use to make refrigerator pickles every summer tShe always insisted on using what she called”burpless” cucumbers which is a term most people didn’t use in Oshkosh, Wisconsin.. Somehow my recipe that’s when I inherited it 2004. My mom who was an only child had no idea how to make them. A lot of the recipes in my mom’s box from my grandma’s box and are also in my recipe box. That’s how we grew up. We shared with each other and did things like each other. For some reason my mom had never made refrigerator pickles I will she really like them. I had made them myself with my grandma dozens of times or more before she died when I was 30. I’ve tried to replicate them every year since 2005, I tried so many different ingredients to try to solve it and I’ve never been able to figure it out. I’ve been missing the dill all of these years! Thank you for clearing it up for me. I’m going to share with my children and pass it along to them.
Thank you for sharing your pickling story with us! I like the idea of using carrots to the cucumber recipe.
Very nice recipe for pickles. My grandma used to do different ones. She made some salads in jars where she was adding cucumbers, peppers, onions, carrots and closing it together. She was also doing pickles in different sauces. They were very tasty especially during the winter! Last year I bought a set for cucumber pickling on ((sorry no links )) and this is when I started to pickle them on my own. It’s an amazing way to preserve food!