Covered Raised Bed After Frost and Freeze
The Autumn Color and Raised Bed After Frost

It has been a few weeks since I shared my adventure growing under a hoop covered raised bed.  In this post I share what happen after a frost in week 2 and a freeze by week 3.   Find video and images in the post below.

Video Update After Frost Before Freeze

in the video below I share the raised bed vegetables and herbs under cover after a few freeze nights.  Scroll down to find out what happen after a hard freeze we had in late November. 

The videos featured on my blog post today are from my Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  Feel free to follow me on that network because I appreciate the support. 

Images After Freeze

Freeze VS Frost

Recognizing the difference between frost and a freeze is extremely important. Stay updated with your weather forecast and take precautionary measures, like transferring plants to a heated greenhouse or dome. Understanding this distinction is essential for protecting your plants, so always be vigilant about the forecast and act accordingly. While frost can occur when temperatures dip just below freezing, causing a light ice coating on surfaces, a freeze happens when the temperature drops significantly lower, posing a greater threat to plant life. Frost can often be managed with simple coverings or by bringing plants indoors, but a hard freeze may require more robust solutions. By staying informed and prepared, you can help safeguard your garden against these chilly challenges and ensure your plants thrive despite the cold.

It would be untruthful of me to claim I wasn’t disheartened to witness these plants succumb to the frost after the frigid 20-degree chill. In all honesty, I had hoped that the cloth would bestow greater protection, yet that sudden freeze proved to be profoundly fierce. Below are my photos after a few frosty nights.  The last image is after the freeze. (sad face).

Click on each image above to see more details about the freeze and frost effects on the covered raised bed.

More About Brens’ Raised Beds

In the post below you will find my experience with raised beds.  See what I recommend and how I grow almost year-round in these structures we made from scratch.   There are a few products and publications I recommend linked below as well.  

Let’s Connect

Thank you for taking the time to check out my blog post together featuring the covered raised bed after freeze and frost.  If you were to ask me in the section below if I would do this again.. the answer would be OF COURSE!!!  It was fun seeing what the possibilities were if you don’t have a greenhouse or dome.  Just working with nature to grow out of season the best you can is super rewarding.  Be sure to connect with me below by leaving some feedback.  You will want to follow me  by bookmarking my site to see more Winter Gardening ideas! 

Happy Autumn Gardening,

Bren Haas Website

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
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raised bed with greenhouse
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