In this post I feature two of my raised beds that are doing amazing after a long dry summer. You will see a beautiful trellis idea that provides shade for cool crop during last of summer weeks and more. Find a video featuring these beds along with images here.
The video above is part of my Bren Haas Channel on YouTube. I appreciate if you follow me on my YouTube shares!
Mentioned in this video:
- Mission Giant Marigold
- Red Impact Pepper
- Blackeye Susan Vine
- White Spine Cucumber
- Tomato : Purple Zebra
- Black Beauty Zucchini
- Rosa Bianca Eggplant
- Icicle Eggplant
- Vinca Flower
Click on Each Image for Bigger View
A bonus to growing in a raised bed is the plants are protected by most fur babies!

Let’s Connect
The highlight of my blogging experience is when I get feedback from you all. In conclusion, please be sure to leave a short comment below if I have not heard from you via email. I love being able to share what works for me in my Ohio garden.
Happy Autumn,