Frost VS Freeze Raised Bed Cover Update
A quick update after a frost and then a hard freeze in late November. Video and Image featuring the raised bed covered garden upate.
A quick update after a frost and then a hard freeze in late November. Video and Image featuring the raised bed covered garden upate.
In this post I feature two of my raised beds that are doing amazing after a long dry summer. You will see a beautiful trellis
Salvia officinalis, commonly known as culinary sage, garden sage, or common garden sage, is an aromatic, woody perennial shrub. It thrives in hardiness zones 4-10. In this video, I’m excited to show you how my sage looks at this time of year, both in the raised bed and integrated into the landscape.
It’s that time of year where we are anxiously waiting to see what tomato will be the frist to harvest. In this post find a video of Sun Dipper Tomato.
In this post I am sharing 3 perfect for raised bed tomato plants. I grew these as starter plants in the last growing season and absolutely enjoy them. In fact, one of the plants I grow from seed this spring for 2023.
In this post I share the smallest tomato in the world which happens to be be Spoon. To demonstrate how small this tomato really is find images to compare similar varieties.
In this post I share a video and many take away tips about the book ‘Raised Bed Revolution’ by Tara Nolan. This publication review covers build it, fill it and plant it information that allows you to grow most anywhere.
In this post I share a video and images featuring some of my favorite tomatoes and peppers at the end of the growing seasons. There are so many amazing produce that came from this growing season so this is only a few that stood out at the end.
Don’t miss these Basil growing Tips and Pesto Pizza on the Grill Recipe in today’s post.
It’s hard to say if growing or preserving cucumbers is easier. In this post, I share Pickling made easy with Dad’s classic pickle recipe and
Rain day weekend means planting and shopping at local garden centers. Join me at my potting table back in the raised bed garden as I
I grow them because I did get a thrill out of watching them grow and enjoy eating them in salsa during the summer months. In