
In this post, I share a fun little video I put together featuring a bee-friendly hosta flower.  Be sure to watch the video and comment on my post below.

Bee Friendly Hosta Flowers

Originally, this was going to be a quick little post on Facebook about the bee to say ‘Good Morning’. The activity on the flowers just had to be shared everywhere.  I hope you enjoy this quick little video.

thumbnail for video about bee

I love creating videos to share with you all from my world.  If you like the video and are on YouTube – Look me up!  It would be an honor to have you subscribe to Bren Haas YouTube Channel.

Pollinator Friendly Late Summer Blooms

After sharing the bee in the hosta I walked the gardens to see what else the pollinators were enjoying.  Quickly the critters were zooming about just working away. It made me feel proud that I was doing a good job this summer.  Adding plants so they bee could continue his work until the late autumn frost.  Below are a few of the plants I have in my garden that the bee enjoys this time of year.  Just outside my door are the Caryopteris Bluebeard, Sunflowers and Rose of Sharon Blooms.

There are so many different hosta plants on the market today.  A few of my favorite blooming right now is this traditional green hosta I have had FOREVER!  I have no idea what variety it is but it is the first one I ever grew.  This is why I call it the ‘traditional hosta’.  The plant blooms late September and is super easy to divide most any time of the year.

hosta in bloom late summer

The Bee seems to love the little bloom on this new variety I am adding to my garden. This is the ‘Shadowland Autumn Frost Hosta’.  It’s a petite little plant that started in the greenhouse so I am not sure if it normally blooms this time of year.

Find more pollinator-friendly research on the University of Michigan website.

Don’t Miss These Pollinator Friendly Plants

Below are a few posts I think you might enjoy that feature bees and plants they love.

Please consider sharing this post on your favorite networks.  


Let’s Connect

In conclusion of posting this, I can’t help but think of all the other amazing plants that are in bloom in late Summer that they bees love.  I hope to share more wit you in post to come but would love it if you comment on this post to let me know what bees love in your late Summer garden.

Happy Bee Friendly Sharing,

Bren Haas

2 responses to “Creative Bee Friendly Flower Ideas”

  1. Hi, I wanted to let you know I found your article about creative bee friendly flower ideas very helpful. Thank you, Richard

    • Thank you so much, Richard. I appreciate that you took the time to comment.

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Bren Haas
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