
The Tree Sale pickup is taking place today, and I’d like to offer some planting tips that could help you economize. Watch the video in this post for a preview of what to anticipate when collecting trees from a sale. I’m excited to present the new varieties of trees and shrubs that I’m planting in my Ohio garden today.

Tree Sale Pickup Video

Dodging raindrops and all…I’m thrilled to show you how to create your own miniature ‘forest’ using locally sourced trees and shrubs. Today, I’ll be showcasing three trees and three shrubs that are simple to cultivate.

The video mentioned in this blog post is available on YouTube. If you encounter any issues viewing it, please inform me promptly. You can reach out by leaving a message on my website.

Images From My Tree Sale Adventure

The trees and shrubs had been ordered in January, with an early March deadline, I recall. The pickup was postponed this year due to the solar eclipse, and having experienced it, I understand the reason! Honestly, I was slightly disappointed that the tree pickup was rescheduled by a few days. Bringing the trees home is always such a delight!

After watching the vlog I created in this post, please take a moment to view some images. These pictures depict the appearance of the trees and my own cultivation methods. For further information on locating your Soil and Water Conservation District, scroll to the bottom of the page.

American Arborvitae (thuja) row in My Garden
American Arborvitae Row

A current photo of my American Arborvitea I grew from starter plants I purchase about 12 years ago.  They stand well over 12 feet tall today.  The birds love to nest in these during the winter months. 

Click on each image for an enlarged view and description!

List of trees and shrubs purchased this year:

  • American Arborvitae Thuja
  • Norway Spruce Picea abies
  • White Pine (spruce)
  • Common Lilac
  • Common Ninebark
  • Arrowwood Viburnum

Find more information about the Wood Soil and Water Conservation District at Tree Seedling Sale – woodswcd.com

Let’s Connect

It is my goal to help you grow so be sure to reach out to me with comments on the section below.  I really appreciate that you took the time to check my blog out today.

Happy Tree Planting,

Bren Haas Website

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Bren Haas
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