Bren Haas Website

Growing Tropical Canna From Bags

For over a decade, I’ve cultivated tubers such as Canna in my Ohio garden. This post features a video that demonstrates how to initiate Canna growth, accompanied by several additional cultivation tips. View my video and remember to bookmark this page to follow the progress of these plants throughout the summer season.

Growing Canna From Bags

This must be one of the most cost-effective methods to create an incredible garden. I have never encountered the two varieties of Canna for sale in plant form in my region. That’s what makes growing your own so special. Taking on this simple project means you have virtually limitless variety options. Watch my video below to see how I cultivate Canna Plants from tubers.

The Growing Canna From Bags is from my Bren Haas YouTube channel.  There is a complete list of my content feature on my website.  Please be sure to let me know if you have any issues viewing the content.

The Canna Plant Varieties

Canna Labels

I’m thrilled to cultivate these new varieties in my garden this year. Below is a list of the varieties and the characteristics of each plant.

  • Mr. President Canna
  • City of Portland Canna

Be sure to bookmark my site so you don’t miss the photos of these plants later in the growing season.  I will be sharing the images and videos first on my website.

The Latest Post With Canna Plants

Below is the latest post I’ve shared featuring Canna Plants. Make sure to check them out when you have the time.

Canna Tubers Out of the Bag

Growing Tropical Canna From Bags

For over a decade, I’ve cultivated tubers such as Canna in my Ohio garden. This post features a video that demonstrates how to initiate Canna growth, accompanied by several additional cultivation tips. View my video and remember to bookmark this page to follow the progress of these plants throughout the

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canna and succulent container

Canna and Succulent Container Planting

In this post I share one of my latest creations using canna and succulent in container.  This is a fun and easy way to enjoy vibrant color with little to no work!  Basically plant and do during the early summer months and enjoy until its time to harvest before late

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Let’s Connect

The outdoor growing season promises to be as remarkable as the indoor one. It’s a non-stop gardening adventure with just a handful of tools highlighted on my website. I would appreciate it if you could leave a comment on this post with your thoughts on today’s canna feature. I’m excited to share more with you as the season progresses.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas Website

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