About Bromeliads Growing in Home Garden
The Bromeliaceae is a flowering plants species native mainly to the tropical Americas, with a few species found in the American. In years before purchasing my own I do remember seeing them in conservatories and even hotel lobbies. They seem to grow as a houseplant in well lite spaces. It is possible that the plants use was like an annual. Maybe the grower or person in charge of the displays switch the plant out when it is struggling. Either way, the right colors and interesting shape of the bromeliads attracts me.
This video is found on my Bren Haas Channel featuring creative living and gardening ideas.
Growing Tips:
Most bromeliads thrive in bright, indirect sunlight or dappled shade. Many bromeliads will scorch when exposed for long periods of time to direct sunlight.
Most bromeliads require more humidity than is typical in a climate controlled environment. The bromeliads like to be in a moist soil but NEVER too soggy. If plant is left in a soggy environment the roots may rot.
Other Tropicals On My Website
Below you will find links to other tropical plant post on my personal website. If you don’t see something you are looking for you are welcome to use the search button on this page. Also, feel free to reach out to me on my contact page for additional information.

Houseplant Handbook Book Review
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Gardening Under Lights
Take a closer look at the ‘Gardening Under Lights’ hardcover book By Leslie F. Halleck. This publication is the complete guide for indoor growers and one of my all time GO TO books.

How I Grow Spider Plants Outdoors
In this post I share tips and tricks on growing spider plants outdoors. You will see a video or two and plenty of images for ideas. Be sure to scroll down for additional information on this easy to grow plant.

A New Orchid Plant For The Home Office
Bringing Home A New Orchid Plant is a great way to start the new year. In this post I share some tips on how to do this successfully.
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Let’s Connect
In conclusion, I would love to hear from my audience. Be sure to reach out to me on this website post feature. If you grow bromeliads in your home garden do tell!
Happy Home Gardening,