Houseplant Handbook Book Review
The Houseplant Handbook Book Review includes a fun video and my top 3 reasons why you should own a copy! NO more guessing about which
The Houseplant Handbook Book Review includes a fun video and my top 3 reasons why you should own a copy! NO more guessing about which
Bringing Home A New Orchid Plant is a great way to start the new year. In this post I share some tips on how to do this successfully.
In this post I share the NEW ZZ plant I grew from a trimming. Check out the video with details and other fun growing tips.
Not only is this a compact houseplant it is perfect for most any home. The curly spider plant or Chlorophytum Bonnie is by far one of my favorite plants to enjoy year-round. Check out fun growing tips and more from my personal experience.
In this post I share the Senetti pericallis I am currently growing in my home garden. I share a video featuring a cool season hanging basket design and growing tips about the plant.
One of my favorite things to grow in Ohio is cactus. I have many different varieties I’ve been enjoying for years so it is always
In this post, I share a video on How to Plant an Amaryllis Bulb in Soil. I have had great success for many years with this planting method found on this page.
In this post I share a bromeliads I recently brought home to try for the first time. I am excited to share a short presentation
In this post, I share Tillandsias Air Plants Winter UNBOXING Review. Check out the surprising video and images in this post. I am a huge
Amaryllis blooms are one of the highlights of my houseplant collection. In this post, I share how I personally store my Amaryllis bulbs. You will find video and images with step by step information on my site.
Listen is as the House Plant Guru shares the inside scoop on growing and caring for the Christmas cactus.
You know it is a special event when I gift my succulent babies. In this post, I share a creative container succulent gift project in