
In this post I share the beautiful White Star Eggplant.  This was a super easy variety to grow in my home garden.  The shape of the plant and beautiful harvest featured on this post.

White Star Eggplant In Home Garden

Beautiful ornamental plant and fruit
Super low maintenance and beautiful to grow!

To be honest with you, the eggplant seed was tucked away in my storage box for five years.  I am not sure what inspired me to try growing this variety.  Thrilling to see the beautiful shape of the plant not to mention the flower.  The harvest on just three plants was abundant.  I shared a few with friends and family this year.  I look forward to growing this variety again soon.

Growing White Star Eggplant Tips

The most important tip I can share about growing eggplant is to be patient especially in cooler hardiness zones.  This plant originates in warmer regions of the world like India.  With that in mind it is obvious why the white eggplant seed takes its time to germinate.  The soil must be above 70*F and air temperature is best above 75*F.  Warm summer days are perfect for this variety.

I originally grow the plant in the border to keep an eye out for bugs and disease.  Little did I know this plant was mostly resisted. In fact, I didn’t see any bug or disease issues on the plant during the summer season it grew vigorously.

The flower of this plant beautiful!

Late in the season as the cooler temperatures arrive the eggplant turns a light yellow.  I think this is due to being over ripe and cool weather.  The taste of this late season harvest was the same and easy to prepare.  With this in mind, I suggest harvesting the fruit as it ripping’s during the early season.

This White Star F1 Eggplant seed is from Seeds By Design

Let’s Connect

Are you a fan of eggplant?  You are going to love this white star eggplant I share in todays post.  Please be sure to comment on this blog and let me know what you think.  If you have grown this variety – do tell!

Happy Eggplant Growing,

Bren Haas

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