Bren Haas Website

Tuck in Color in the Home Garden

In this post I share some fun ways to tuck color in the home garden.

It’s Time To Garden Creatively

It’s Garden Time!~ I’ve been out in the garden from sunrise to sunset and I’m feeling a little sore because I totally overdo it but overwhelmed with joy.  Gardening is a wonderful feeling and I really hope you get to experience it someday soon.  In today’s share I want to feature a few of the annuals I’ve been tucking under plants and shrubs for some fun color in the home garden.

Mix Up Color Tuck

Don’t be afraid to mix it up in the garden … remember to always grow what you love!  one of my favorite combos involve cool crops and pansies.  I tuck some pansy color under the lettuce in the photo below.

mix it up

Tuck a Party Color

Why not?  Adding fun color combo under my Vanilla Strawberry Hydrangea shrub that won’t bloom until late summer in my garden.  I love the bright color of the mini bells under the shrubs.  These will have to be mulch well to keep them happy so don’t forget about them!  This one was super fun in the summer garden.

tuck a party

Oppie Kitty  

Tucking kitties under the garden shrubs isn’t recommended.  I just had to share how much fun we are having with this.

tuick kitty

Tucking Kitties is not recommended!  Isn’t Oppie the cutest little garden helper. He loves to tuck himself under my feet all the time.  Watch out for kitties in my color garden. 

Let’s Connect

I can’t wait to share more of the combos I’m creating this week so please be sure to subscribe to my site.  Are there fun plants you like to tuck in the garden for color.  Be sure to reach out to me on social media @brenhaas.  I look forward to connecting with you soon.

Happy Gardening … Its Garden Time!


Bren Haas


One Response

  1. I think that kitty is trying to seduce you! Wow, what a lovely garden. I like the pansies in with the cabbage.

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