
Introducing Two of My Favorite Perennials for Home Gardens: Pictures and Videos Inside! After two years and eight seasons of documentation, I’m thrilled to finally share some stunning images and video of two of my favorite perennials. These plants have earned a top spot on my list for home garden landscapes not only for their vibrant colors but also for their ease of growth.

The video feature is from my Creative Living with Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  My videos are part of blog post featuring images and details on a blog post here on my site.

Introducing the Dianthus Firewitch

This award-winning plant boasts stunning deep violet pink blooms which fill the air with the sweet fragrance of carnations. Blossoming throughout the spring, the low-growing mounding plants are capable of withstanding harsh environmental conditions such as cold, heat, or humidity.  I highly recommend this plant after enjoying it in my home landscape since 2021.


Discover the Resilient and Vibrant Rich SuperBlue Lavender

SuperBlue Lavender
SuperBlue Lavender in My Home Garden

Lavender is an enchanting plant that captivates your senses with its gentle color and soothing fragrance. Get to know the most vibrant _Lavandula angustifolia_, featuring short spikes adorned with aromatic, deep blue florets. These herbal plants bloom from June to September and can withstand harsh conditions, including heat and humidity.

Use them fresh or dried in cut bouquets and sachets to add a touch of elegance and fragrance to your space.

More About SuperBlue Lavender and Firewitch Dianthus

Be sure to check out other post with these varieties on my blog.  You can find these featured on this categories with up to date content below.  

Purchase some for your home garden by checking out the Burpee Home Garden Website. 


Let’s Connect

In conclusion to checking out my videos and images of these plants I hope you consider leaving feedback.  Below is a space for you to leave questions and comments.  Furthermore, please consider adding both these hardy perennial varieties to your home garden.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
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