Stewed Tomatoes

Canning Tomatoes is everything to me after growing my favorite varieties at home. In this post, I share why Canning Tomatoes completes the circle for me.

Canning Tomatoes: Complete the Circle

I’ve been using the Hot Bath Method to set up many different types of tomatoes since I was a child.  This video gives you the inside look at Canning Day in my kitchen.  For a detailed list of what supplies you will need to refer to my blog post at Canning Tomatoes Part 1 on this website.

This video is from 2010.  Things sure have changed in my home and garden so be sure to check out other canning tips on my site under the Food Preservation Category

These videos are on my old youtube channel.  Be sure to follow me on my new network at Bren Haas YouTube Channel.

Favorite Tomatoes To Grow

Super Sauce Tomato
This is the Super Sauce Tomato - Great For Canning

To guarantee I get a unique harvest with tomatoes I usually don’t find at local garden centers I will start seeds in early Spring.  Some of my favorites to grow for the canning process are listed below.  Growing my own tomatoes and canning them completes the circle for me.

  • Brandywine
  • Amish Pasta
  • German Johnson
  • Mr. Stripy
NOTE: If you do not have a good growing year there is always farmers markets like Sandowski's and Hoens where you can purchase enough tomatoes for canning at home.
Tomatillo Canning - Salsa Verde

More Canning

Why stop at just stewed tomatoes?  Below are a few more canning tips and tricks you may enjoy.

  • All
  • Creative Recipes
  • Dessert
  • Food Preservation
  • Gardening
  • Gardening in Ohio
  • Growing Tip
  • Raised Beds
  • Vegetable Gardening

Thank you for checking out my website today! 

Let’s Connect

I hope this video was useful to you and has inspired you to give canning a try.  If you have any questions or comments please leave them in the comment box below and I will try and answer them to the best of my ability.  Thanks again for taking the time to stop by my blog!

Happy Canning and Tomato Growing

6 responses to “Canning Tomatoes: Complete the Circle”

  1. Preserving Your Harvest |Recipes, Tips and Ideas says:

    […] Canning Tomatoes by Bren Hass […]

  2. I couldn’t wait for part 2!! I have always been afraid of canning. I freeze fresh produce, but you make it seem so easy. Do you cover the jars with water once they go in the hot bath?

  3. Excellent video Bren! Loved it. Great information, I just wish I had time to can some tomatoes. You really inspired me!

  4. Thanks, Bren! That was awesome. Maybe I won’t be so afraid to can now… you made it look easy!


  5. I’m all about saving things…. thanks for sharing Angie! Wonderful to make the garden connection with you.

  6. I love canning! And there’s nothing better than canning your own 🙂 I just started using reusable canning lids and I’m giving some away on my blog if you or your readers are interested. I love being able to completely reuse everything. No waste! Hope this heat wave ends so we can get back to canning in comfort around here 🙂

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