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Pinky Winky Hydrangea in My Landscape

Pinky Winky in my LandscapeHow can you not love the name Pinky Winky for a Hydrangea Shrub?!  I’m a huge fan of pink and love the hydrangea shrub almost as much as I love peppers.

Bren and Her Peppers

Picking A Location

I fell in love with the Pinky Winky Hydrangea because of its name and just had to add it to my garden.  As of 2017 I only have 1 Pinky Winky in my garden because this one is very special and it is also hard to find in my area.  We added on to our home in 2008 leaving me a 22 foot stretch of part sun location to build up with flowers and shrubs.  The entry to my new sunroom is just around the corner from where I planted the Pinky Winky.  In this location, the shrub gets mostly shade with about 2 hours of the hot afternoon sun.  I do realize these are not the ideal conditions for the shrub to put on a spectacular bloom show during the summer.

Pinky Winky at Corner of the House

Look how tiny the Pinky Winky was the first year I planted this in my garden.  That same rock is still under the shrub today along with some coral bells and other shade-loving plants like Spring pansies.

Autumn Pinky WInky Landscape

What I LOVE about the Pinky Winky Shrub

There are five different types of Hydrangeas and the Pinky Winky is a Panicle hydrangeas | Hydrangea

Pinky WInky in Spring

This shrub started blooming in mid-summer in my Ohio hardiness zone 5b garden holding a creamy white flower. This Proven Winners Hydrangea is at the edge of the landscaped area that receives sun later in the afternoon. One may think Pinky Winky is a weird name for a shrub that turns pink in the later part of its bloom cycle.  I’m just passionate about the deep green foliage and pink branches on the shrub.

Pinky Winky at Corner of House

This attractive shrub in the garden from early spring until the last hard frost requires little to NO maintenance.  Although I love to prune it back each spring to remove the old dried blooms and keep the shrub at the height I desire.   Most homeowners would consider this a prime reason to own a Pinky Winky in their landscape.

Pinky Winky in Early Summer

Get Your Own

The best place to look for hydrangea shrubs like the Pinky Winky variety featured in today’s post is to go to your local garden center.  If you can’t find one at local garden centers you can order the shrub online.  I recommend purchasing through Amazon at Proven Winners Pinky Winky.

Let’s Connect

Do you have a hydrangea growing in your garden?  I’d love to connect with you so be sure to comment on this post or reach out to me via social media provided on this website.

Bren Haas

14 Responses

  1. Pinky Winky is gorgeous (I love hydrangea) ~ the name takes some getting used to, though! lol

    Cool cell phone pics of that impending storm, but they’re kinda “pixely” from where I’m sitting. I’m sure it’s my computer….again. 🙂

    1. NO… the pixely is from me turning the images into a ‘ gif. ‘ file. Thanks for the heads up!

  2. That is a pretty bloom! I like the storm watch photo. We could use a storm here, we haven’t had rain in weeks!

    1. well.. it was a pretty show but we only got 1/8 ” of rain. ( sad )

  3. My Pinky Winky is blooming now, too, but it’s still a pretty small shrub, since I only planted it last year. My best bloomers are my collection of Endless Summer hydrangeas.

    I wondered if you didn’t get the brunt of that storm last night! I could hear the thunder off to the north. We didn’t get much rain out of that either. Just enough to wet the sidewalks. (sad, too)

    1. During the weekend we received close to 1″ of rain. I hate to be greedy but we sure could use a little more from the Great One Above! He has the best brewing tea ever! Thanks for stopping by Kylee… enjoy the Pinky!

  4. I LOVE Pinky Winky..but mine didn’t really leaf out this year from last year…think I should cut it back hard this spring?

    1. I only cut the ends off. I’m not sure what would happen if you cut it way back. Sounds like something to ‘twitter’ Proven Winners! I’ll get back with you on that!

  5. girl…you always have something to make me jealous when you post! I love that hydrangea! I did finally find an endless summer hydrangea that supports breast cancer…I can’t decide if I should make a new bed for her…or what…but I am super excited! Love the post today…sorry it took so long for me to get here!

    1. I love it when you stop by! Do you have a Pinky Winky? We will have to see if we can ship one to Canada for you sweetie! ((HUGS)) I know you have been having computer issues. I can’t believe I have been online as much as I have been to post. MY kitchen was trashed from all the canning. My veggie garden out in the yard ( 40’x60′) needs weeded BIG TIME! I have been spending all my time harvesting and playing in the greenhouse project.
      Talk soon Tootsie!

  6. I can image the shipping is not fun for you Gisela. A few ‘bad apples’ had to make shipping to Canada a horrible experience for EVERYONE. It is a shame! I am happy to hear your Pinky Winky is in your garden. It is a fabulous plant to watch all year round. Cheers to you my friend!

  7. Pingback: Bachman’s Nursery~the Pretties by Garden Grunt
  8. Pingback: Hydrangea Bonanza by Garden Grunt

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