
There aren’t many roses today that will bloom all the way into Autumn.  In today’s post, I share the beauty of Loretta Lynn Rose in the Autumn Garden.

About The Rose

Loretta Lynn Rose

Named for the famous country singer Loretta Lynn, this rose bears clusters of frilly flowers in luscious shades of apricot and peach. Developed by Brad Jalbert of Select Roses, the “Loretta Lynn Van Lear” classes as a floribunda. The floribunda is an ever-blooming hybrid known for its deep color and continuous blooms. The bloom’s hue is described as a rich apricot, and the buds on the rose open to an amazing English cottage garden style. The plant is bushy and dense, growing to about 2 feet, considered an ideal size for most gardens or large containers. Flower Size: 3-3.5″

In My Garden

This was the year of the roses in my home garden.  The Loretta Lynn Rose started the madness for me.  This rose will captivate you and build your confidence for growing roses.  In the images featured on this blog page, the Loretta Lynn rose had been through a dry summer.  The Autumn peach color and shape of the rose makes it a winner in my Ohio garden.

In the Autumn Landscape
After a dry season in the Autumn Landscape.

The Loretta Lynn Rose is one of the first roses added to my landscape outside the mudroom facing south.  The rose loved full sun and plenty of water later in the dry season.  The best part of growing this rose is with little care the shrub produces dozens of 3″ English rose style blooms continuously until the hard frost hits in late Autumn.

Loretta Lynn Rose in Autumn

Let’s Connect

In conclusion, I would love to hear your opinion of the Loretta Lynn Rose. I’m so excited that you stopped by my website and I hope you will comment on this post.  You are also welcome to leave a detailed message on my contact page featured on this website.

Happy Gardening,

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Bren Haas
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