
Check out my latest video featuring the dome garden after sunset in March.  You’ll see how some of the new trees are doing along with some fun lighting in the dome garden.

Dome Garden Update After Sunset Video

I wish I would have had the video going as I walk out the dome door after creating this video. Kink Kitty tried charging into the dome garden as I was tucking the dome in.  The last time he stayed in the dome I came back to find him napping on top of my cool crop garden.  I can’t imagine where he would go potty or what he would do if he found the snake!   There is some really cute content of him at the end of the video.    Be sure to scroll down on my website and let me know what you think of this video.

If you are interested in seeing more videos like this I share them on my Bren Haas Channel.  All the videos are uploaded to YouTube if you want to look me up at @brenhaas.  Don’t forget to comment so I can find you there.

Mentions in Dome Garden After Sunset

Kitty and ME Selfie

What did you think of that new Avocado tree I have growing next to the fig?  I really need to do a video soon featuring the 3 new varieties that are growing in this space.   The Hardy Avocado spent winter between the dome and the pond.  It would appear it loves it in that spot as new growth has been coming on slowly since January.  As the sun starts to rise and temperatures go up this March more leaves have ‘popped’ on this tree.  It will be exciting to see if I get some produce this year from it.

More Blog Post About The Dome

Hibiscus Hollywood in The Dome Greenhouse

Windy Bloom Day in The Dome

Today in Ohio, the wind is blowing fiercely, making it an ideal opportunity to appreciate the vibrant blooms inside the dome. Join me in my 20-foot geodesic biodome as we take refuge from the wind and bask in the summer-like warmth. My viewers will not only enjoy a stunning flower showcase but also pick up some helpful tips for year-round gardening.

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March and 65*F

I took this photo today as we sat on the balcony enjoying the 65*F afternoon.  It was 91*F in the dome.

Let’s Connect

Thank you so much for checking out my video today.   I hope it gave you some ideas on what you can grow in your home and garden.  If you are curious and want to ask more questions just reach out to me on my website.

Happy Almost Spring,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
Join Me and Oliver in The Garden
raised bed with greenhouse
Edible Gardening Ideas
dome garden in winter woods
Growing Year-Round in Ohio

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Dahlia Pink in Full Bloom
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