Outside the Dome Solar Lights

One of the most important achievements is letting as much light into the 20 foot geodesic bio dome as possible during the winter.  In this post I share a video answering questions about light during the winter months.

What is Solawrap?  Solawrap is a greenhouse film that has a bubble design providing  strength, longevity and over all better growing conditions compared to standard greenhouse plastics. The product is German Engineered.  Read more about mine at: Dome Greenhouse Plastic (solawrap) Update Blog Post 

Note:  If you are interesting in finding out more about the REAL solawrap please comment below with email so I can send you information.  ALSO, as stated in the video on this post: If you use the wrap for the dome the warranty will be voided due to cutting the material.

Winter Light in the Dome Q&A Video

Letting in as much light as possible during the winter months is super important to me. In this video I answer some questions about my dome wrap (AKA: SolaWrap) and a few other let the light in information based on my personal growing experience.

This video is part of my Creative Living with Bren Haas YouTube Channel.  Find all video links on my website in the blog at : YouTube Videos.

Winter Light in Dome

I wanted to share a few images of the plants in the dome using the natural light on this day.  Keep in mind the sun is low as we are in the second week of winter season.  Conditions outside are also cloudy during the middle of the day.  This is typical for Ohio (hardiness zone 5b) this time of year.  To be completely honest with you, the next few weeks are some of the darkest in this growing structure.  The decorative lights in the dome really make the experience festive.

Buddy Cat in Cabbage

Buddy Kitty being very careful to step over the cabbage plants that are doing very well in the low light conditions in the dome garden.  This location is a low shelf near the north zone in this 20 foot structure.  

The reading from the weather station we use shows we have had little UV rays in the last hour.  

Keep in mind that unless you want to add extra lights in the structure the plants you grow will be effected by the natural conditions.  Most of my plants are dormant this time of year.

Let’s Connect

Thank you for checking out my post today featuring VLOG of the light in dome.  I appreciate that you took the time to stop by so please be sure to comment.  Questions can be submitted here or to my email as noted in the video on this post.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
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