Bren Haas Website

Search Results for: sage

Growing Sage in Home Garden

Salvia officinalis, commonly known as culinary sage, garden sage, or common garden sage, is an aromatic, woody perennial shrub. It thrives in hardiness zones 4-10. In this video, I’m excited to show you how my sage looks at this time of year, both in the raised bed and integrated into the landscape.

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Tree Pickup

Tree Sale | Pickup and Planting Tips

Tree Sale pickup is happening today, and I want to share some planting tips that can help you save money. Check out the video in this post to see what to expect when picking up trees from a sale. I’m thrilled to introduce the new tree and shrub varieties I’m planting in my Ohio garden today.

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Stevia in March

Stevia Hydroponics Update

You can imagine my surprise to see all 4 of the pods where I started a few stevia seeds showing signs of life.  That is right… the variety that never germinates for me finally has!  Find out more about the Stevia in Hydroponics update in the video here!

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Wintering Over Lantana in Ohio

Wintering Over Lantana in Ohio

In this post I share a quick video to how I winter over lantana plants in Ohio.  You will find images and video on this post.  Be sure to scroll down to leave comments and questions.

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tortellini salad recipe

Easy Tortellini Salad Recipe

The boys in my family were not huge fans of cold pasta until they had this recipe.  Today I share my favorite Tortellini Caesar Salad Recipe that will make a pasta fan out of just about anyone.

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