In this post I share a quick video to how I winter over lantana plants in Ohio. You will find images and video on this post. Be sure to scroll down to leave comments and questions.
Wintering Over Lantana Plants In Ohio
Lantana is an annual in my hardiness zone. Ever since I have been growing in a greenhouse (2009) I have been stashing this plant in for the winter. When I first started doing this the lantana was not commonly found in my local garden centers. Over the years that has changed and I still find myself enjoying the plant during the winter under cover. In the video below you will see where the plant will spend the winter in my 20 foot geodesic bio dome.
The Wintering Over Lantana in Ohio video can be found on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel. Be sure to follow along for quick updates on that network. IF you want a question answered quick you will want to leave it below in the space provided.
More Fun Facts About Lantana

In my home garden the lantana doesn’t really ‘take off’ until late June into mid-July. The plant loves full sun and dry conditions. Keep this in mind when wintering over the plant. You may not get a bloom during the wintering over season but the green leaves should stay as long as you don’t over water the plant.

I was late getting my lantana planted this summer because I had Osage orange tree seedlings growing in the beach container. Be sure to follow my blog to find out more soon to come.
Let’s Connect
In conclusion to checking out this wintering over share I hope you consider growing some of your own. Maybe a greenhouse or dome is the place for you to enjoy gardening time year round? Leave comments below!
Happy Gardening,