Bren Haas Website

Tag: dessert

Gingerbread Trifle Recipe

Gingerbread Trifle Recipe

With just a few ingredients you can easily find during the winter season this is a classic.  On this blog post you will find images and printable recipe card featuring the Gingerbread Trifle Recipe.  In conclusion, be sure to scroll to bottom and leave a review if you tried the recipe.

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Peach Cobbler Bite

Peach Cobbler Recipe

In this post I share my super easy peach cobbler recipe.  You will enjoy this recipe because it uses basic ingredients found in most kitchen pantries.  Check out the peach harvest from our trees here in our home garden.

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slices of lemon cake

Lemon Cake Recipe

Harvesting Improved Meyer Lemons today in the dome. The Geodesic biodome always smells amazing from the fresh citrus harvest in my Ohio winter. Can you believe it is winter and we are enjoying fresh citrus?  In this post, I share my favorite Lemon Cake Recipe and some tips on growing your own.

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