Bren Haas Website

USDA Hardiness Zone Fun Facts

If you have ever had the opportunity to relocated to a different part of the country you understand why it is important to know the weather conditions.   Being aware of a hardiness zone when it comes to growing successfully is a similar situation.  In this post, I share why you should care about hardiness zones.

What is the USDA Hardiness Zone Map?

The US Department of Agriculture created the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map to provides a standard climatic conditions relevant to growing plants successfully. Agriculture industry uses this data to define what plants grow best in what areas of the United States.  By understanding what zone you’re located in, you can find out which plants will grow best in your area and which won’t.  Below is a copy of the map you will find on the USDA site.  I recommend checking out the link (by clicking on the image below) to find more details.

USDA Plant Hardiness Zone National Map

Find your location (city, state) on the map above.  Use the color code guide to find your hardiness zone on the right side of the image.  Once you know your planting zone, use the chart below to find your frost dates.

ZoneAvg Last FrostAvg First FrostAverage Growing Days
1May 25August 2592
2May 15September 1109
3May 15September 15123
4May 15October 1139
5May 1October 15168
6April 15October 15183
7April 1October 31213
8March 15November 15245
9February 15November 30290
10-13No FreezeNo Freeze365

USDA Hardiness Zone is Important  To ME Becuase:

By learning your zone you can easily find how many growing days you have to use in the season.  Almost any vegetable will grow in zones 3 and up.  in zone 3 or higher and has at least a 123 day growing season – enough to grow squash, peas, kale, tomatoes and much more!  Knowing your zone also tells you when it is safe to plant outdoors.  Many plants like squash, corn and cucumbers can not tolerate frost.

Now Let’s Get Growing

Below are a few of my favorite things to grow in zone 5b.  If you check the vegetable descriptions you can grow these in most other zones as well.  Be sure to reach out to me with any questions you may have.

Vegetable Harvest

Sun Dipper Tomato Review

It’s that time of year where we are anxiously waiting to see what tomato will be the frist to harvest.  In this post find a video of Sun Dipper Tomato. 

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Three Tomato Plants

3 Perfect Raised Bed Tomato Plants

In this post I am sharing 3 perfect for raised bed tomato plants.  I grew these as starter plants in the last growing season and absolutely enjoy them.  In fact, one of the plants I grow from seed this spring for 2023.

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If you want to get really crazy.. come grow in a dome like I do! 

Let’s Connect

Do you pay attention to the hardiness zone map? Why is it important to you? I’d love to connect with you so please share by visiting my contact page featured on this site.

Happy Gardening,




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