Bren Haas Website

Love GourmanSun Sunrise Tomato Review

Sunset GourmanSun Tomato

What a great variety to kick off the home garden tomato season.  This love Gourmansun was not only easy and fun to grow but super tasty.  Excited to share the first of this years harvest with you on this video.  Find images and fun facts about this beefsteak tomato below.

Love GourmanSun Sunrise Tomato Review Video

I had so much fun putting this video together because this tomato is really tasty and the plant is easy to grow.  The large harvest are made up beautiful heart shape tomatoes that are sweet.  My family and I are having so much fun harvesting and enjoying the lovely plant in my raised bed garden outside of the greenhouse.  Check out my video featuring my experience with this plant below:

his video is feature on my Bren Haas YouTube Channel which can be found on my website.

Love GourmanSun Sunrise Tomato

First fun fact about this variety is it is a determinate hybrid tomato.  The 3-4 foot tall plant will produce large yields of 3-4 oz. uniformly-ripening, easy-to peel, bright orange fruit. This tomato has a sweet flavor and meaty texture ensure mouthwatering sauces or slice on BLT sandwich.

The plant takes approximately 85 days to harvest making it perfect for my hardiness zone 5b home garden.

beefsteak in raised bed

Secondly, note that the plants have disease resistance and I am seeing zero signs of stress after a super dry spring season.  My plant height is about 2 1/2 feet in the 3 foot raised bed. It has spread to about 24 to 30 inches but can easily be pruned back if desired.  I kind of let mine go until I see signs of stress.

BLT time


Let’s Connect

Last but not least I want to thank you for stopping by my website to see this tomato review featuring the Love Gourmansun Sunrise.  If you are interested in growing this variety in your home garden be sure to check for the seed where ever you find Burpee Home Garden Seeds and Plants.  Connect with me anytime on my blog because I am super happy to help you grow something new like this!

Bren Haas

9 Responses

  1. Excellent video, you know I love Tomatoes. What a great explanation and love the photos. Thank you so much.

    1. Hey… I appreciate your feedback Philip. Stay tuned because this is just the beginning of the harvest for this year. I’ve got more beefsteaks just about ready to harvest that I grew from seed. You will find it all here on my blog! Feel free to connect anytime on my site.

    1. Also… I found it under the name of Love Gourmandia Red Tomato F1. I am still looking for a USA vender. STAY TUNED!

  2. Im desperately looking for this plant or seeds as it did so well for me last year here in Las Vegas. Any update on where to find seeds so I can prep for a fall plant or next year?

    1. I am still looking for this variety… forgive me for not having information. It was introduced last year by Burpee Plants.

    2. Hello Ann Taylor!
      Please note that in the midwest it is a little early for retailors to have tomatoes in stock. You can expect to find these in Home Depot and local independent nurseries or garden centers that carry the Burpee Home Gardens plant brand. Burpee’s “Find a Store” link is not comprehensive, but a good place to find retailers offering our Burpee plants: https://www.burpeehomegardens.com/FindAStore/.

    3. Someone on my YouTube video posted ” Just bought 6 of these on a whim not knowing the first thing about them. But the color looks interesting and I was hoping someone would describe what they taste like and you did that. This video gives me lots of anticipation when I get some ripe tomatoes of this variety.”

      I will keep you posted if I see this variety locally thins year.
      Happy Gardening!

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