Bren Haas Website

Growing Under Lights

In today’s share on my site is a short video featuring edibles growing under lights in my home.  Check out the short video and a warming image from my home garden.

Growing Under Lights Video

I really enjoy the short video ( or Shorts as they say on YouTube).  Encouraging users to share short videos that are under a minute with friends.  Today I upload a fun little colorful clip.  View this footage below and be sure to comment on my site to let me know what you think of the setup.  Questions and comments are always welcome so don’t be shy and reach out.

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I don’t want to leave you all with just a fun little clip of what I’ve got growing on.  Please be inspired to try growing under lights in your home this time of year.  I can’t begin to tell you how much excitement these simple little plants have brought to me each day.  It maybe 17*F outside but the minute the lights come on for the day it truly warms my heart.  With just a few simple seeds anyone can grow indoors.  It is truly a bonus to be able to grow edibles this time of year as well. Due to the fact that I am a fan of eating… I LOVE THIS!!!

Thank you for checking this post out today!  I share more on my site about Indoor gardening including LED Lights on my site.

Indoor Gardening Posts 

Gardening Under Lights

Gardening Under Lights

Take a closer look at the ‘Gardening Under Lights’ hardcover book By Leslie F. Halleck.  This publication is the complete guide for indoor growers and one of my all time GO TO books. 

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year-round kitchen indoor gardening set up

Indoor Kitchen Gardening Update

In this post I share a quick indoor kitchen garden update.  You will see first hand how I have my gardening products set up in video.  Check out my latest tips and tricks for growing indoors successfully.

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Let’s Connect

In just a few short months everyone in my area will be back outside enjoying warmer temperatures.  These cold days are a great time to grow under lights and plan what you would love to grow in your gardens.  Over the next few weeks, I will be sharing my personal experiences from my adventures here in Ohio.  I hope you will consider commenting on my site.  My newsletterr is another way to get a fun little ‘hello’ from me also so sign up!

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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Artist and Media Creator Bren Haas
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