AeroGarden Dome Replacement

It’s Q&A time on my website.  A reader recently sent me a question concerning the AeroGarden set up I am currently using in my home.  Although I am not an ‘expert’ when it comes to growing hydroponics, I do appreciate what this product has taught me.  In this post you will find the latest question and my unique opinion.

“I just received an Aero garden as a gift.
The seed pod kit came with only two domes. I have called aero garden but their customer support lines are so busy they told me to call them back at another time. I did leave a callback number. My question is, can I plant a seed pod in the water without a dome to get it started? I know this is not a website for answering questions but you seem to be knowledgeable and I thought I would take a chance on asking you about my dilemma. Thank you so much!”

Dome Lid on the Aerogarden Question Answer

Check out the video below with my experience using the dome lids on the Aerogarden product.  I think it will inspire you to try growing hydroponics or at least starting some seeds with the unit.

Having a hard time watching this video?  Click over to my Bren Haas Channel on YouTube where the content is uploaded.  I appreciate your support whether it be feedback or a new subscriber.

Highlight Featuring Aerogarden Dome Lid

Dome at Sunset in Spring
Find Out More

want to note that I think the dome lids are a brilliant idea for the AeroGarden product.  If you have visited my website before you know I LOVE DOME gardening.

Click Here To Get yours On Amazon

Interested in Purchasing an AeroGarden Like mine?  Click on the image above that will take you to the AeroGarden Store on Amazon with my Affiliate Link.

I use the Harvest Elite AeroGarden currently for herb gardening indoors.

More Post Featuring AeroGarden Set Up

Below are some of my favorite and recent post featuring the AeroGarden.  Please keep in mind I am not a paid sponsor of this product!  Be sure to scroll down and leave a comment on my post today.  I appreciate your feedback.

Jello Shot Cups for Dome Lids
What do you put in your small cups?


Thank you for stopping by my site today!

Let’s Connect

Would you like to submit a question relating to something you have seen on my website?  I would love to share with you my personal experience with products and other topics on my site.  Submit your questions and feedback on my site today.   I look forward to sharing with you soon.

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
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raised bed with greenhouse
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dome garden in winter woods
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