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Happy Gardening 

Bren Haas

GardenChat with Bren Haas 

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See you on GardenChat,

19 responses to “Welcome to GardenChat with Bren Haas”

  1. Merci de vous être arrêté sur mon site Web! J’espère que vous visiterez à nouveau ce site où je partagerai beaucoup plus de choses créatives de mon monde.

  2. Coucou bonsoir
    Comment allez vous j’espère bien quant a moi ca va sachez que j’adore vraiment ce que vous faite et j’aimerais aussi apprendre car c’est vraiment magnifique les photos que vous faites
    Passer une agréable journée au plaisir de vous relire

  3. Hey Debbie – what a great question. I am not sure the refrigerator will show the bloom down because I have never tried this. HOWEVER, I do know if you keep the plant with bloom out of direct sun, little to no draft and a cool room (50*F – 60*F) it prolongs the bloom. I am not sure if the plant is completely out of daylight if it will drop the bloom. I hope this helps – please keep me posted.
    Amaryllis: https://brenhaas.com/amaryllis

  4. Hello!
    I just read your story about amaryllis bulbs
    I have one that is almost
    By chance do you know if I put it in the refrigerator now if it will slow the bloom? I’m trying to save it for 18 days … it was a gift from my son, and he won’t be home for 18 days and I want him to see it … any thoughts? I appreciate your thoughts and time . Thank you

  5. Thanks for stopping by my site Bethany. I actually have a blog post featuring the one I grow here in Ohio. It was on our property when we moved in back in 2003. I have seen it bloom maybe 2 times! Honestly, if you are looking for a blooming hydrangea I would go with some of the others on the market. On my blog you will find many of the fabulous blooming hydrangeas I recommend after growing in my home garden.

    Thank you for stopping by my website and be sure to reach out to me at anytime. I will send you an email regarding this post as well.
    Happy Hydrangea Growing,
    Bren Haas

  6. Hi Bren – Wondering if can help me with a climbing hydrangea. I bought it on the recommendation of my landscaper to hopefully cover our new pergola. I planted it in the fall of 2017 and 4 years later it hasn’t grown much and hasn’t ever bloomed. I know that hydrangeas sleep, creep, and leap but at 4 years old mine still seems to be creeping. It is in the shade and very healthy.

  7. Help! The birds ate all the blueberries on my four bushes, the black berries, and the deer (I think) knocked down and nibbled/ate all the nectarines which were turning red–I bought the tree last year so it’s small. Birding Netting did not keep the birds out. I bought a sprinkler with a sensor to scare the deer and birds. I was thinking about moving the nectarine tree and put a fence around it with the berry bushes. What else can I do? Thank you!

  8. Hi I recently got a phlox, and the flower petals all fell off what do I do?

  9. Hi Bren!
    I recently bought a truly tiny banana plant. It is in a 4” pot. I plan to put it out on my north facing patio once it warms up a bit more (I’m in SC and we are still having a few nights in the 40’s).
    My question is: since I will be keeping it in a container, how should I water it and do the usual houseplant rules apply with regard to potting up—only an inch or two larger at a time—or can I put it straight into a larger planter? I watched your video/read your blog on the truly tiny plants and it was very helpful.
    I appreciate your time and response!

  10. Thanks for the information on the Thanksgiving and Christmas cactus. God bless you

  11. Hey Katie – great to hear from you and I am excited you got a few of those Lilacs in a box at Costco. That store really has some great gardening items year-round. I wrote about my Lilacs in a Box I bought last year on my site at https://brenhaas.com/lilacs-in-a-box/ The box says ‘2 year’ which I believe is referring to the age of the plant root cutting. I plan on doing an update video featuring mine later this week. Mine are just putting on green here in Ohio. The lilac of this size might take a few years before you get a bloom on it. I’ve grow lilac in my home garden here in Ohio since 1994. My parents also had a beautiful lilac in our home garden growing up in Toledo Ohio ( 1950-1999). Please stay in touch and let me know how these plants do for you. Honestly – I would plant all those plants together until they give at least 3 feet tall. You could then transplant them to another location.

  12. If one has bromeliads in a home garden does the water that collects in its center contribute to insects especially mosquitoes to the immediate local environment?

  13. Bren, how did your lilac in a box from Costco shake out? I just planted 6 of them (Virginia). Did yours bloom this year or are they expected to bloom next year? Not sure what the 2-year period is referring to. Thanks!

  14. Thanks for stopping by BIlly – I appreciate the feedback.

  15. I love the set up , before ! I haven’t received a comment from this page in over a couple of weeks, and I sure have missed the constant feed and notices!

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