
In this post, I share what’s going on in the Geodesic Dome for the first snow in year five.  I share tips and tricks for making the dome garden the place to be for gardening as the snow arrives.

First Snow

I still can’t believe this is my fifth year growing in the dome year-round.  It has been an exciting adventure as you will see in the latest video.  The video below describes the walkway in the dome and a few other growing tips highlighted below in this post.  Watch the video and share it with your friends (please).  Growing year-round is for everyone to enjoy.

You know I love sharing creative videos on YouTube.  Be sure to check out my Bren Haas YouTube channel.  If you are on YouTube be sure to subscribe to my channel.

Highlights From First Snow Year Five Dome Gardening

Here are some of the images from the video feature on this page.  These are my favorite so be sure to click on each to check out details. 

Edibles in the Dome this Late November!

I wore the ‘wrong’ shoes out to the dome.  Or did I?  These shoes have been amazing – I’ll just throw time in the washer later today and they come super clean.  It is amazing to have walking shoes on and not have them get super soaked from snow and rain this time of year.  

dirty shoes in the garden

The season filled with blooms is just beginning in the dome as the snow arrives.  I  can always count on my rose collection including ‘At Last’ by Proven Winners and my succulents to put off amazing unique blooms.  Look at that little baby bloom off of the purple petunia I brought in by Monrovia this past summer. 

bren haas succulent collection
My Unique Succulent Collection is Growing!

Dome Snow Posts

Here are some posts featuring more about the dome garden that you won’t want to miss.

bren haas 2020 selfie

You can always connect with me on my site for information about the dome garden.  Don’t forget to click over and send me a message!

Let’s Connect

In conclusion after checking out this dome garden update, I hope you consider commenting on my site.  Be sure to reach out to me anytime here about the subjects I cover.  Are you on social media? Share this post and tag me at the links provided on this post.  I am on the major networks @brenhaas.  See you there!

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

2 responses to “First Snow Year Five Dome Update”

  1. Where did you get your dome? Love it I am in Ky and want to get one!!!

    • Hey Cindy – great to connect with you. Thank you for stopping by my site. This is a 20′ geodesic bio dome that we made using basic math and supplies you can find at local hardware stores. The wood came from home depot and lowes. The cover is a neat wrap from Germany but you can find it online in the USA. I am happy to share more with you. We are actually going to update the design in the new year after the last 5 years of learning about this structure.

      Please stay in touch and be sure to connect with me at brenhaas.com/connect

Welcome to Brens’ Blog

Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
Join Me and Oliver in The Garden
raised bed with greenhouse
Edible Gardening Ideas
dome garden in winter woods
Growing Year-Round in Ohio
Taco Soup Recipe
Taco Soup Recipe

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