Bren Haas Website

Tips That Make Rose Gardening Fun and Easy

Gardening is one of the most relaxing hobbies anyone can endure.  In this post I share my personal tips to make rose gardening fun and easy.

Tips to Make Rose Gardening Fun & Easy

Rose Gardening

Spring is the time of year the weather changes quicker then you can check the forecast.  It is important to have a game plan ready to make sure you don’t forget what you spent all winter dreaming about!  below are a few of my tips that make gardening easy and fun.

  • Choose the right plants – select plants that will do well in your zone and/or are low maintenance – (e.g. Drift/Knock Out).
  • Let the labels lead you – they are there for reason and can guide you where to plant-based on light and soil conditions.
  • Add 1-to 2-inches -of mulch to prevent weeds from growing.
  • If you plant into containers, remember to keep them watered well as you don’t want them to dry out.
  • Edge your beds – stop grass from invading your plantings by edging or installing some type of barrier between your garden beds and the lawn.
  • Keep a garden journal – jot down notes and observations as your garden grows so that you can refer back to its progress and be ready for any potential problems.
  • Use the right tools – pick the tools that are the right size for you and the right size for your garden.
  • Keep it simple – when planning your garden, don’t overwhelm yourself. Think realistically about how much time and energy you have and what you will need to do to maintain your plants.

Festive Roses

I share more about the roses I grow on my website

Let’s Connect

I hope you are off to a great start this year in the garden. I’d love to connect with you so please share a comment below. Maybe we can connect on Twitter or Facebook too!

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas


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