Bren Haas Website

Drone Aerial View of My Gardens 2016

In this post I share the first aerial photos of my garden from the drone.  Check out the social media share and lots of images.  I will be adding more images and content from drones because we are HOOKED! 

The Drone Aerial View

Drones can be really useful when documenting your property and projects you work on.  Below are a few of the images from trenching projects in our yard.

NOVATEK CAMERA of the dome garden

First Flight of the Drone

Below is the tweet I shared LIVE as my husband and a few onlookers enjoyed the maiden voyage.

My husbands maiden voyage with the drone to take photos of a few of my gardens.  In the collection below I’ve uploaded to Flickr some of my favorite shots.  You can see in the images that the trench project took over my landscape in Spring 2016. I’m waiting patiently for the grass to start growing in most spots that are complete.

Flickr Gallery Of Images

Taking photos from the drone is super handy.  These images were some of the first just in time for huge projects on our property.  My husband uses these documented images to know roughly were trenching has been done along with where flooding occurs.   In the photo below from my Flickr collection you will see the trench area where my husband ran wifi, water and gas lines from the house out to the gardens.

Greenhouse View From Drone

Below are the images from the Drone that I shared on my Flickr Photo Account.
Drone 2016

Are you a Flick Fan?  You can view these at Flickr.com where I have many albums featuring images from my gardens over the past 8 years.

I’ll be sharing more throughout the season so be sure to subscribe to my website and my Free Newsletter for updates.

Let’s Connect

Have you taken unusual photos of your garden? Do you use a drone to take photos of your garden?  I’d love to hear about it so please leave a comment below so we can connect.

Happy Photo Taking,



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