
In this post I share my weekly video blog featuring what is growing on in the greenhouse dome in April.  You will see tips on new tomato seed starter care and creative hanging baskets with Mangave. 

My video is at Bren Haas YouTube Channel.


In the video feature you will see what Mangave will do with little to no care!  Below is that Inkblot Mangave I’ve had in my garden since 2017.  Look at the color on that baby!!!

Many of the seeds I started this year were from 2014 and even later so I didn’t expect them to grow.  The seed grew in a 3″ container and now need to be transplanted as they put on more than 4 leaves and 1 inch tall.  I show some of these seeds in my video today.

Dome Gardening April Temperatures 

Here is a copy of the temperature readings outside and in the dome.  It is really nice to look at how the weather and sunlight effects things growing in my little world dome.  The chart on the left is in the dome and the right is our weather station outside.

graphs with weather forecast

I need to do a blog post featuring the Temp Stick App we use and the Acrite Weather Station on our property.  Let me know if you are interested in hearing more.

More About the 20′ Geodesic Bio Dome in Ohio

If you enjoy this update or are thinking about starting to grow out of season you will want to check these stories! 

art dome gardening
Rare Cactus Growing in the Dome
water lettuce in my late summer pond
Wintering Over Water Plants

Let’s Connect

In the video I hint of adding a video about my Mangave planting tips and also bug control so stay tuned for those updates as time allows.  Be sure to subscribe to my Newsletter for updates on upcoming videos and more.

I look forward to connecting with you soon,

Bren Haas

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Bren Haas
Author and Media Creator
Oliver and the Vegetables in the Dome
Join Me and Oliver in The Garden
raised bed with greenhouse
Edible Gardening Ideas
dome garden in winter woods
Growing Year-Round in Ohio

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