Google Reviewer

Where would we be without our map applications on our mobile phones today?  One of my favorites to use is the Google Map App.  In this post, I share Why I Enjoy Being A Google Map Reviewer.  This will help you to become a google map reviewer helping others discover the world we live in.

What is a Google Map Reviewer

This video found on YouTube at: What I love about being a Google Map Reviewer.

A Google map reviewer is basically someone who uses Google map to get to their distention and then shares an honest review about the location.  Reviews consist of star rating, sharing unique images, written review, check facts about the location, and or answering questions.  You do not have to do all these things noted but they will help you rank higher in their point system.

Access the Photo Number

First off I’ve always been a mobile photo addict!  This means I take photos of everything – everywhere I go.  I am also a reviewer of other products such as food, garden products and just about anything that makes life better.   Below I’ve listed a few reasons why I LOVE being able to share on Google.

  1. Helping others is a big part of being a Google Map Reviewer.  When you share your opinion and facts from a location you help others decide if they want to go to this location.
  2. Sharing locations in your community can help tourism.  How else are people around the world going to know to visit some of your favorite business, gardens and or parks unless you share about it?
  3. The reviews by others help me save time and money.  I usually decided last minute from reviews others have shared if I’m going to visit a restaurant or other business.  Viewing the photos from those who have enjoyed ‘the world’s best soup’ can tell all!
  4. Google Map Reviews I have done help me keep track of the places I’ve been to and places I want to go easily.


Favorite Google Map Reviews

Here are a few of my favorite Google Map Reviews I’ve created.  I refer back to them from time to time when I forget the name of the meal I enjoyed or want to find the location to visit again.

Reviews On My Website

Seed Starting with Burpee Seeds

Burpee Seed Starting Tray Review

Not every seed starting season do I feel the need to purchase additional trays for the process. Those who follow my journey are aware that I often use recycled containers for seed starting. However, this year, I’ve discovered a new product in the Burpee Seed aisle

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Gardening Under Lights

Gardening Under Lights

Take a closer look at the ‘Gardening Under Lights’ hardcover book By Leslie F. Halleck.  This publication is the complete guide for indoor growers and one of my all time GO TO books. 

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Raised Bed Revolution Book Review

Raised Bed Revolution By Tara Nolan

In this post I share a video and many take away tips about the book ‘Raised Bed Revolution’ by Tara Nolan.   This publication review covers build it, fill it and plant it information that allows you to grow most anywhere.

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Orchid Handbook by Michael Tibbs

The Orchid Handbook Book Review

It is the perfect time of year to start growing something indoors.  Whether you already have orchids indoors or just picked one up locally I have the book for you.  In this post you will find my personal book review featuring the Orchid Handbook by Michael  Tibbs.

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Let’s Connect

What do you think about Google Map Reviews?  Do you use them on your mobile or on desktop?  Be sure to connect with me on my website to share more.

Happy Sharing,



2 responses to “Why I Enjoy Being A Google Map Reviewer”

  1. I have been doing this for a while, but just really got into rcently.

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Bren Haas
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