In today’s post, I share my latest video featuring the new fish I added to my small greenhouse pond. Check out the video featuring how to Acclimate the new fish to your pond. The video also shows how to tell a Koi from a Goldfish.
Introducing The New Fish
In the small pond I have in my greenhouse (geodesic biodome) are 5 pretty koi fish. All but 1 of the Koi are from a local fish farm. When my friend contacted me about a fish that needed a new home I was excited to welcome him to the family. I was told the fish was a Koi but after some close-up photos and investigation online about Koi I am very sure this is a goldfish. You be the judge when you see the photos I took up close using my underwater camera. I let my husband and son watch the video and they both were not only impressed by the video quality but could ID the fish. I’ll let you be the judge after you scroll down and see the photos I took from a screengrab of the video.
New Fish in The Koi Pond Video
This video is on my YouTube Channel @brenhaas. Be sure to follow me there and subscribe so you get notifications when new videos go up. You can also subscribe to my Newsletter for more details and updates.
I hope you can see this video clear. I am very sure the new fish is a goldfish and not a koi. Either way, super excited to add him to the winter pond in the geodesic biodome.
Koi Images
Here are some photos from the winter koi pond in the dome. Can you see the fangs or whiskers on the fish? Can you tell if they are goldfish or koi in the pond?
I just love how they are all swimming together and having a good time. The Koi and goldfish like to dance together – not like when I had a tilapia in there years ago. YIKES!
The white ones with spots are pretty cool. The stuff floating around is fish poop and algae I am working on getting rid of. Be sure to follow my post to find out what I end up doing to keep the pond super healthy.
Let’s Connect
Do you have fish in your home garden pond? Maybe you have a small decorative pond like mine in the greenhouse/dome? I’d love to hear from you so be sure to comment on this post. Reach out to me on this website on my contact page to tell me more.
Happy Fish Adding Everyone,