Bren Haas Website

Zucchini Bread Recipe

Each summer season it is guaranteed we will have at least zucchini that are left on the plant to grow HUGE! In today’s post, I share a few growing tips and my Garden Fresh and Easy to Make Zucchini Bread Recipe.

Zucchini Bread Recipe

zucchini bread with coffee treat

This recipe has been in my family since my kids were little.  I first made the bread from a Southern Living recipe and later created my own version.  you can use this recipe as a muffin batter too but I prefer the loaves.  Don’t forget to click on the printable recipe at the bottom!

  • eggs
  • oil
  • raw zucchini – shredded
  • sugar
  • flour
  • baking powder
  • baking soda
  • cinnamon
  • nutmeg
  • salt
  • vanilla
  • walnuts

I bake 12 large loaves of Zucchini Bread to be frozen to be eaten later is easy with this recipe. In the Meantime, print up this QR code that goes to my website allows friends to scan on their mobile. Equally important, make great gifts to give during the holiday season. Scroll down to get the printable recipe card on my website. Print

Easy Zucchini Bread Recipe Video

I put together this quick little video showing just how easy the bread is to make.  Please scroll down and share a comment on my recipe blog post today.

This video is part of my Bren Haas Channel features on YouTube. 

Photos From The Garden

First off I can’t begin to tell you how super easy it is to grow your own zucchini.  Each summer a grow a few dozen summer squash including the zucchini sometimes on one plant.  The steam of the zucchini doesn’t like to be a mess with too much so if you can leave that be by mounding the plant up to grow – you are all set.  I love growing this vegetable because of it easy and the plant is beautiful along the edge of my garden. Did you see my blog post about how easy it is to grow your own Zucchini squash from seed? 


Video and images of this plant on my website at Mystery Zucchini Squash. 

Making bread to share during the holidays is just one of the awesome recipes I love using for this produce.  I have many more recipes using summer squash or zucchini on my website so be sure to take a look.

Don’t forget to download the printable recipe card I made for you here: Brens’ Easy Zucchini Bread Recipe Card

Zucchini Bread Recipe

Recipe by Bren HaasCourse: BreadCuisine: AmericanDifficulty: medium


Prep time


Baking Time




  • 3 large eggs

  • 1 cup of vegetable oil

  • 3 cups raw zucchini (shredded)

  • 1 1/4 cup sugar

  • 2 cups all-purpose flour

  • 1/4 teaspoon baking powder

  • 2 teaspoons baking soda

  • 2 teaspoons cinnamon

  • 2 teaspoons fresh nutmeg (ground)

  • 1 teaspoon real vanilla

  • 1 cup walnuts (chopped)


  • Shred the zucchini making sure all the seeds are out. Set aside with lid so it doesn’t dry out.

  • Beat eggs, sugar, vanilla and oil together in mixing bowl

  • Add flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt into a separate bowl mixing well before adding to the egg and sugar mixture

  • Slowly add the flour mix to the wet mixture on low speed.  Do not over mix - the ingredients should be nice and sticky with medium moisture.  

  • Fold in zucchini by hand until well blended.  The fresh zucchini should add additional moisture to the mix

  • Pour the mixture into a greased 4"x8" (or your favorite) bread pan

  • Bake at 350*F for about 50 minutes or until the bread is done in the middle.  Use a tooth pick to test the middle of the bread to make sure it is done.

  • This mixture can be sued in 4 small loaf pan size
  • This recipe can be frozen and used at later time.

Thank you for visiting my website today! 

 Let’s Connect

I’d love to hear from you … what do you cook up with your zucchini harvest?  Be sure to connect with me on my contact page that I answer daily.

Happy Baking,

4 Responses

  1. Wish I had a loaf right now, Bren! Looks perfect. Maybe I’ll plant some next year, if I feel then that I’m on top of things enough to not lose control of thevegetablethatgrowsbeforeyourveryeyes!

    1. HA … love it Jean ‘thevegetablethatgrowsbefreyourveryeyes’ – AWESOME! WEll, you can always visit the local farmers market and grab some zucchini this time of year. If you lived closer I would gladly give you some of mine.

  2. Your photos and tips are excellent! I love zucchini in every form, and from the garden is the best – so fun to peek under a leaf and find a huge one that you’ve missed for a week. One of my favorite recipes that I’ve tweaked over the years is for zucchini brownies; my family now prefers them to standard ones. Eating brownies with two cups of zucchini in them even feels healthy!

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