
In this post I share the mystery squash plant that appeared in my home garden landscape. This plant provided over a dozen zucchini-like harvest from Summer to Autumn season. You will see the video and images featuring this mystery zucchini squash vine I grew.

Mystery Zucchini Squash Vine

At first I wasn’t surprised to see this vine appear and start growing vigorously. In the past years I have let pumpkins and gourds grow from volunteer plants in this space. The blooms came and the vegetable began to grow. However, it kept on growing! Check out my video below with details.

This video is part of my Bren Haas Channel. Be sure to check out other Creative Living and Growing tips and trick on my website.

Growing The Zucchini Squash Vine

I honestly have no idea what variety this plant is. This plant grew vigorously and produced more of a harvest than the zucchini I planted in the past. After reserching, I find there are a few different squash plants that do grow as a vine. The ‘Raven,’ ‘Thunderbird’ or ‘Graybeard’ are varieties that grow on a vine.

Mysery Vegetable Squash

My advice is to let the volunteer grow if you have space. This worked out great because the vine grew on my Birds Nest Conifer Shrub. Check periodically through the season to make sure the volunteer zucchini squash vine isn’t damaging the shrub or whatever it is growing on.

Mystery Zucchini Squash Taste Testing

While researching squash and gourds I did find that not all are edible. This made me a little nervous to cut into one of my zucchini squash like that I harvest. It cut fairly easy early in the season even weighing close to 3 pounds. After removing a few seeds I baked it like I would a winter squash. The flavor was smooth and buttery. I LOVE IT!!! I used it in my zucchini bread recipe too!

Mystery Quesadilla Meal

It taste amazing after baking and adding to a Queasadilla!


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Let’s Connect

Thanks for checking out my video and images today featuring the Zucchini Squash Vine I grew. In conclusion, I hope this content inspires you to let a volunteer seed grow in your home garden. You just may end up with an amazing taste harvest. I saved plenty of seeds so be sure to check back to see if they grow in the season to come. I can’t wait to share more about this fun growing from seed zucchini Squash.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

2 responses to “Mystery Zucchini Squash Vine In My Home Garden”

  1. Excellent thanks for the video. I love these volunteers that pop up sometimes this is a great surprise. Thanks for recording it. .

    • Great to hear from you Philip! I also saved some of the seeds. Not sure it will germinate but we will see next spring when I start a few indoors method and then a few direct sow out in the landscape. I am really excited to see what may happen! STAY TUNED FRIEND!

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Bren Haas
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