Bren Haas Website

What is All America Selections

In this post I am sharing with you what is All America Selections.  Find out more about this non-profit organization and some of the varieties I personally recommend in this post.  In addition to the personal tips you will see a video about this subject.

What is All America Selections

Siam Queen Basil

I figure the best way to show you what AAS or All America Selections is by sharing a video. For instance. the vlog below features some of the recent seeds I am growing from this group along with a look at their website.  Be sure to click below and watch the video that is currently on YouTube.  I hope you consider scrolling down the blog post to see images and comment. After that, you will want to check out all of the AAS mention on my site are winners! 

This video is a unique feature on my Bren Haas Channel.

Highlights From The All America Selections Video

Swiss Chard Bright Lights is a AAS winner
All Time Favorite AAS Winner - Bright Lights Swiss Chard

As a result of watching my video you can tell in this feature video I am really excited to grow some new seeds.  If you follow my adventures you know I LOVE seeds!   Most Importantly, some of the seeds I have starts of this season are listed below. Check them out and follow my adventure:

  • Pepper Pot-o-Peno 
  • Sweet Pepper Dragonfly
  • Chili Pie Pepper
  • Icicle Eggplant
  • Snapdragon Doubleshot Orange bicolor
  • Mini Love watermelon
  • Purple Zebra Tomato

Coincidently, I have been growing AAS plant varieties since 2007 in my home garden.  It is super fun to see what is new each year and to try the varieties in my home garden. Follow my website to see how these seeds (and hopefully plants) perform for me in my home garden and dome

There are many reasons to consider growing AAS seeds.  Above all,  the plants growth history has been documented by gardens across North America.

Pollinator Friendly | Siam Queen Basil
Qeen Siam Basil

Most importantly, I hope you consider checking out what AAS recommendations can do for you! Find out more about this organization by visiting their website at All-Americaselections.org

Let’s Connect

I am curious if you have grown any All America Selections varieties in your home garden.  Be sure to comment on my website.  In other words please be sure to check out the different AAS I have personally grown and recommend as well. In conclusion, consider visiting my website in the near future for more winning varieties.

Happy Gardening,

Bren Haas

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