Bren Haas Website

Brens’ Poison Ivy Facts & Relief

Poison Ivy: Leaves of Three – Let It Be!

If you have ever encountered poison ivy and have dealt with the skin irritation that most commonly follows then you know the long term lasting effects from this plant.   It almost seems unfair how poison ivy attacks.  If you are not aware of the ‘three-leaf’ warnings a peaceful afternoon in the country garden can turn ugly with skin irritation.

Facts About Poison Ivy

Poison Ivy
Evil – in my tropical hibiscus container

DID YOU KNOW that if you have open cuts on your legs and you walk through a patch of poison ivy you could end up in the Emergency Room?  Always wear long pants when you are removing weeds via a ‘weed-eater’.

DID YOU KNOW that if you burn poison ivy and it is inhaled you could end up in the hospital.

DID YOU KNOW poison ivy is spread by touching something that has touched it. If is commonly spread by touching the leaves, but yanking the vine out by the roots any time of the year can leave you with a rash.

DID YOU KNOW that the oil from poison ivy is extremely stable and will stay potent forever.  You can get a rash from clothing or tools that have the oil from last summer.

How To Prevent Rash

poison ivy

They say within an hour of touching or coming in contact with it you should rinse with lots of cold water.  Hot water will open your pores and let the oil in.  Up to six hours washing with alcohol may help remove the oil but many say after 1/2 hour the oil has already begun to soak in.  I believe it has a lot to do with your skin type as well.  I live on 10 acres of woods so it is very common in my landscape.  The only way to get rid of the plant is to hit it with Round-Up. 

MUST READ LINK: https://www.extension.purdue.edu/extmedia/ho/ho-218-w.pdf

Let’s Connect

I’d love to hear from you and what you do if you come in contact with poison ivy.  Be sure to comment on this post or reach out to me on my contact page.  I’ve been battling this evil poison ivy for years so I hope to help you out.

Happy Gardening Poison Ivy Free,

Bren Haas

8 Responses

  1. When my children were young we went to the park to collect leaves.
    I pressed them between waxed paper and the next day had poison ivy!!
    They were fine.

  2. Sadly, I did know most of that. My sisters are hyper-allergic and I have sat in the emergency room with them on more than one occasion. I am the designated poison ivy killer. I didn’t become sensitive until after my 40th birthday. Go figure. I have dealt with neighbors burning wood contaminated with poison ivy (ambulance ride for little sister); reinfections from washed clothing shared from one little sister to another (it did not wash out), and more. I am itching from talking about it.

    1. OH MY WORD … Jeavonna is that is horrible! Thank you for sharing your story on my blog so others realize that Poison ivy can be beyond dangerous!

  3. Just two weeks ago a fellow hiker told me my leg brushed up against poison ivy. But I didn’t have anything to worry about, as I ALWAYS hike with long pants tucked into my hiking boots and long sleeves. (they can be rolled up when it’s hot and rolled down when I’m in a thick area). Funnily enough, the man that told me this ended up brushing up against it himself and every time we were near a stream of water he had to stop to put it on his leg. He said he never gets a rash though. Like you mention, I think it depends on skin type. knowing my luck I’d be the one that would have to go to the ER regardless of what I tried or used. LOL

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  5. You’ve spent a day in the woods or a day doing yard work when you brush against the leaves of a poison ivy or poison oak plant. Or maybe you didn’t notice the plants, but you’ve developed a streaky rash with red bumps that turn into weeping blisters. You can treat the itchy allergic reaction that comes from exposure to poison ivy and poison oak resins with either drugstore remedies, home remedies or prescriptions corticosteroids. The rash may last from 1 to 3 weeks, but the symptoms usually peak between the fourth and seventh days.`.’;

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